Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Inside Out Meditation Documentary

I really need to meditate on a more regular basis. I realize now that in order to achieve my goals, I have to remain connected. This is the easiest way. It'll help me stay in better control of my thoughts and emotions. Clarity is KEY when moving in any direction.

Time to tame those Monkeys!

Here's to more time cross-legged on the pillow & to more OHM. Feels good already...

Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Simple Tools for Spiritual Development

By Dr. David R. Hawkins, MD, PhD

Some tried-and-true basic tools that have brought about tremendous results over the centuries are as follows:

1. Be kind to everything and everyone, including oneself, all the time, with no exceptions.

2. Revere all of life in all its expressions, no matter what, even if one does not understand it.

3. Presume no actual reliable knowledge of anything at all. Ask God to reveal its meaning.

4. Intend to see the hidden beauty of all that exists—it then reveals itself.

5. Forgive everything that is witnessed and experienced, no matter what. Remember Christ, Buddha, and Krishna all said that all error is due to ignorance. Socrates said all men can choose only what they believe to be the good.

6. Approach all of life with humility and be willing to surrender all positionalities and mental/emotional arguments or gains.

7. Be willing to forgo all perceptions of gain, desire, or profit and thereby be willing to be of selfless service to life in all of its expressions.

8. Make one’s life a living prayer by intention, alignment, humility, and surrender. True spiritual reality is actually a way of being in the world.

9. By verification, confirm the levels of consciousness and spiritual truth of all teachers, teachings, spiritual groups, and literature with which one intends to be aligned or a student.

10. Accept that by spiritual declaration, commitment, and surrender, Knowingness arises that provides support, information, and all that is needed for the entire journey.

The most powerful tool that is in the province of the will is devotion. Thus, it is not just spiritual truth but the degree of one’s devotion to it that empowers it to become transformative. A great classic that demonstrates the efficacy of simplicity and devotion is that of Brother Lawrence’s The Practice of the Presence of God (1692), which emphasizes the importance of constancy.

The above is an excerpt from Dr. Hawkins’ book, Transcending the Levels of Consciousness (Veritas 2005).

Dr. Hawkins books are available on this website: Transcending the Levels of Consciousness.

Wednesday, March 23, 2011

What was Said to the Rose...

I love the poet Rumi. It's a bit cryptic, but so profound. This is one of my favorites recited by Coleman Barks.

Pure Love! Enjoy.

Thursday, March 17, 2011

Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Relationship Weather

What I am still learning:
That relationships, like the weather, have sunny days and cloudy days.

Sunny days are when everything is great, and you cant get enough of each other. Looking forward to each moment together and the smiles are endless. The warmth and joy is strongly felt.

Cloudy days are when things feel rough, and you cant wait to get away from one another (or stay away for that matter). Communication is tough, there are misunderstandings, and it's as if the sun won't shine again on us EVER. It's cold, distant, and tension and despair rule the air.  Sometimes, the cloudy days are stormy days and we cant find any comfort in the idea of being together. Exiting feels like the right thing.

What we focus on usually is the thing that we attract. I have a tendency of seeing only the bad when the "S" hits the fan. Because I have experienced it so many times, and feel like I know where the story ends. And my escapist brain seeks to abandon the situation that is causing the heart pain. Because if it doesnt feel good, why bother?

We must not forget, however, that is through those rains that the ground becomes fertile enough to sustain growth.  It is through the hardships that we find the meaning behind the union and the strength behind the self.  Only things that pass through Quality Control are tested for safety and endurance. That's how we determine whether something will bend and break or bend and sustain itself.

Maybe I am being silly. Maybe I should know better by now. Maybe it was all a misunderstanding and I should move on. Heck, I NEED to move on - whatever that means. Past relationships have made it almost impossible for me to endure heartache at all. It just brings back so many memories of times past when I allowed so many people to use, hurt and abuse me.  So, at the first sign of stress, I want to run fast and far to wherever the wind will take me.  Not a very mature way of dealing with things you say? I agree. But the shadows of the past are sometimes the most challenging to overcome because it's not so much a fear of the unknown, but a fear of the done and tried and the experience that hinged itself onto you.

My job now is to detach, accept, continue to love (myself and others), and feel myself grow through yet another phase in this day in this girl's life.


Thursday, March 10, 2011

Zero-Waste Living! Pure Inspiration.

Wow is all I can say. If more people lived similarly, our planet would certainly have a chance! It's time to seriously begin to REDUCE, REUSE AND RECYLE.

Rock on Johnson Family!


Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Living a Life of Purpose (Tony Gaskins)

Take these Steps to living a life of Purpose:

Identify your gifts (What comes natural to you that may not be natural for others)

Identify a career for your gifts

Set goals for your life

Make a plan to achieve your goals

Execute the plan

Teach someone else how to do what you do

Give your gift(s) purpose and use your platform to “Find a need and meet it. Find the hurt and heal it.”


Tony A. Gaskins Jr. is an author, life & relationship Coach.

Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Raw Eating My Way

TDL Blog:  Uniquely and Authentically You

I read the above and it inspired me to write this.

the funny thing is that lately i have been trying, once again, to 'fit in'. i thought those days were over once i passed high school. yet here i am again. in searching for what is prompting me to act this way, i found that i am comfortable with the people around me and i dont want to rock the boat in fear of being alienated again, the way i was in the past by other people. but, it's causing me to suffer because i'm not being true to myself.

this time, it's around food. i am gravitating towards becoming a raw foodist, but my roomie and my boyfriend dont seem excited. so i hide. and i conform. i eat what they want to eat, and the guilt sets in, and the energy drops. i value their companionship, but i value my self more. so, this inspires me to buckle up, and stand for what i believe in. i dont have to compromise my principles. it's hard to lead by example, but hey, someone has to.
here's to being me, without shame.
what a great day to have a breakthrough! thanks...