Thursday, May 3, 2012

Patience is required on this journey.

For everything you will encounter, you must learn to be patient. From dealing with people to making dreams come true, you have to employ the serenity and understanding that some things are beyond your immediate reach. Reacting won't help anything. So, once again, you come to the realization that perhaps just breathing is the perfect thing to do. Deeply that is. And smile, knowing that this too shall pass.

EFT helps me a lot, as does ho'oponopono when it feels a bit overwhelming.

Be Love. Stay Beautiful!

Many Blessings,

Wednesday, April 25, 2012

Surrendering to Divine Spirit

What happens when you fully trust and surrender to Divine Spirit? Life is very chill. Basically, there's no questioning and no resistance. You know that everything is happening exactly as it should and that everything will lead to the perfect outcome as long as you remain in faith and in good, happy energy.

Before I felt I had to be busy all the time building my online presence and my business. Now I understand that however little or much I do it's all adding up to the same thing because I'm not doing it alone - The Universe has my back! And the more I rely on that, the more it shows me it can be relied upon, which just makes it all easy and fun! Even when I'm going through what I may perceive temporarily as a challenge, I pause and remember how it all works, and it quickly turns around to show me I'm right and to continue trusting.

There are times when I ask myself: "What took me so long?". But I had lessons to learn and people to encounter (as I still do) in order to continue my spiritual evolution towards the ultimate ME. Happy for all that has happened, for my ability to forgive and move on, for the ones who love me unconditionally, and for my relationship to my Higher Power. God is, without doubt, my source. Not because I read it, but because I live it every second of my life in the flesh. I'm a proud witness to the miracles that unfold daily!

This is for you if you are facing a challenge that seems to big for you to handle. Or if you are feeling down and feel that there's no way out. My advice: look for the positive. What can you learn from this experience? How is it making you stronger? Trust that your best interest is at play and surrender to the Flow of Life.

Here for you.

Sending you healing vibes,

Thursday, April 19, 2012

Relaxed Flow

I have stopped going against the grain. If it doesn't feel good, expansive, and amazing, I just wont do it. What I have learnt is that this is not the energy that leads to the life I desire. See, we must be clear of the feeling we are after. The type of life that we envision must be in alignment with everything we are currently doing.

Here's an example: I recently signed a contract. Withing a short period of time that contract started to feel very limiting and my energy was drained. The project turned out to be so much more work than I had originally anticipated. But I stuck to it (stubbornly) because I believed (erroneously) that I had to fulfill my commitment. Fortunately, I got some sense talked into me. Sent a simple email stating that I wished to be release from the agreement, sat back, and expected the best. Sure enough, I received a reply that was easy and in agreement with my request.

Sometimes it is wise to keep pushing, but we must always check with our body/senses to see if what we are bringing forward is what's right. I believe that the Universe will always supply accordingly and all we have to do is show up, do whatever we can, the best way we can, and expect miracles along the way.

It has taken me entirely too long to understand the ease of this whole process, but now I'm happy to have found my answers and just as happy to share it and help those who are ready to bring their best lives forth.

The world is yours! What type of life do you dream of? What type of world are you ready to build?

Many Blessings,

Erika Matos is a transformational agent, a certified health and nutrition educator, intuitive healer, and life coach helping people shift in the right direction by critically rethinking everything assumed to be true about what it means to be a happy, healthy, prosperous being. To learn more about her work visit

Wednesday, February 1, 2012

Just Imagine

Your Mind is your Golden Key! Imagine your best life and trust it to fruition...

BLOG by Dr. Wayne W. Dyer

Your imagination is your own fertile field for growing any seedlings that you choose to plant for a future harvest.

You may have been told that you have always been a dreamer, as if this were a fault. I can speak here from experience. Family, friends, teachers, and even advisors frequently disparaged ideas that burned brightly in my imagination. I often heard comments such as, “Wayne, you’re such a dreamer. Get real. You are never going to make it as a writer, or a television performer, or a movie personality. Be realistic—we know what’s best for you.”

When I was being discharged from the Navy at the age of 22, my superiors warned me that starting college at my “advanced age” was loaded with uncertainty, particularly since I had no higher education experience, and I would be competing with younger recent high school graduates. Since I already had a skill as a cryptographer in the Navy, they advised me to pursue what they felt was best for me. But I had a dream—an imagination filled with the idea of teaching, writing, and speaking to large audiences. I saw myself onstage. I saw myself as a prominent author. And this vision could not and would not be sabotaged by someone else’s vision of what I should or could become.

As a young boy in a foster home, I almost always ignored other people’s ideas about what I should be thinking or doing—I simply was indifferent to their opinions regarding what I could imagine for myself. I have carried this kind of inner discipline regarding my own imagination with clarity, refusing to allow external opinions to cancel or diminish what for me was hallowed ground.

Not long ago, others advised me that acting in a movie was not sensible for me as a 68-year-old man with no acting experience. I once again remembered to hang the DO NOT DISTURB sign at the entrance to my imagination, and proceeded to take acting lessons and adopt the self-enforced regimen that allowed me to create a movie. It is a product that fills me with pride today—all because I have diligently practiced the following rule:

Never, and I mean never, allow anyone else’s ideas of who you can or can’t become sully your dream or pollute your imagination. This is your territory, and a KEEP OUT sign is a great thing to erect at all entrances to your imagination.

Stay in a state of grace and gratitude for this resplendent gift that is always yours to do with as you choose.


Hope that you took something inspiring from this message. I sure did!

To your best life,