Feeling truly alive only in nature. Partaking in its infinite beauty in wondrous amazement. Where my heart is and where my love grows. interconnected and boundlessly loved. How does one explain that only the Mother can restore our weary souls and mend our broken spirits? HE loves her and their love inspires the seeds to sprout, the flowers to bloom, the birds to fly and the fish to swim. Why does it not inspire US to commune with it in order to feel closer to the divine? For only through nature will we find the missing void that has filled modern civilization. In the land of bears and rivers I lost the ghost of my past and was born anew with an understanding of the simple truth that shall forever remain. Get found in the horizon and understand what the eyes see at the spiritual level. What the eyes see is limited to the very scarce reality we have chosen to accept, and, by doing so, we have neglected the fundamental nature of everything that is and as it should be: Untempered.
Man's desire to manufacture a world of his own has led them down a path that does not incorporate the very thing they wish to imitate. It is time now to learn how to eliminate the unnecessary need to perfect perfection. To provide soul healing. To be the very thing we wish to become - effortlessly and wholesomely. It's time. Then HIS loves will inspire our hearts to sprout, our faith to bloom, our spirit to fly and our oneness to swim eternally within and through each and everyone of us. And so it is.
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