Friday, May 27, 2011

Sandra Ingerman on How To Heal Toxic Energy

How To Heal Toxic Energy (Excerpt)

Sandra Ingerman

As human beings it is our right to have and express the range of feelings from joy and love to fear and anger. Expressing our emotions makes us feel alive.

At the same time it is important for us to look at what kind of situations and interactions trigger us. We must stop the reaction and learn how to express our thoughts and feelings while at the same time transforming the energy to positive energy that is healing energy for the planet.

Throughout time spiritual teachings have taught that our outer world is a reflection of our own inner state of consciousness. When we look at the environmental pollution and the state of the world today we are seeing a reflection of our own inner world. If we want to change the world we need to focus on changing ourselves. And this includes the need to be more conscious of the thoughts we send out.

Here are some simple ways that you can work with to transform energy:

Breathe: Breathing is one of the simplest ways to transform energy. When you are in a state of reaction your breathing becomes shallow. By breathing deeply you naturally transform your reactive state.

Set An Intention: When you feel upset just say the following statement to yourself: "I need to express how I am feeling right now, and I ask that the energy of my feelings be transformed into love and light so I am feeding the world with love."

Think Of A Precious Image: The energy behind your emotions goes out to all living beings. If confronted by someone who evokes strong emotions think of a loved one and impose his or her image on the face of the person challenging you. For example, you might work with the face of a baby kitten, puppy, or your favorite flower. What thoughts do you want to send to those you love?

Use The Power Of Words: Spiritual traditions teach that words are vibration and the words we use effect our lives. As children many of us used the phrase "abracadabra". This is actually an Aramaic phrase "Abraq ad habra" and means, "I will create as I speak." Use words throughout the day that remind you of the energy of love.

Be Grateful: Think about what you are grateful for. Being grateful always transforms your current state of consciousness.

Project Strength: Don't pity others whom you perceive as suffering--this only pushes them deeper into a hole. When you see people in their divine light and perfection you help give them the strength they need to deal with their troubles.

Connect With Nature: Water can wash away your pain. As you wash visualize negative energy flowing from you and being transformed into light. As you stand in the wind imagine the wind carrying what needs to be released and being transformed into light. Light a candle and imagine the fire transmuting your intense feelings. Or you can bury your troubles in the earth with the intention that the energy be transformed to love.

Surround Yourself In Light: If you feel someone is being energetically hostile toward you, imagine a protective light surrounding you. Some people think of being surrounded by white light. I imagine being enclosed in a translucent blue egg. Find a color that works for you.

Original Article:

Sandra Ingerman, M.A., is the author of eight books, including Soul Retrieval; Medicine for the Earth; Shamanic Journeying: A Beginner's Guide; How to Heal Toxic Thoughts; How to Thrive in Changing Times; and Awakening to the Spirit World: The Shamanic Path of Direct Revelation. Sandra teaches workshops internationally on shamanic journeying, healing, and reversing environmental pollution using spiritual methods. Sandra is a licensed marriage and family therapist, a professional mental health counselor, and a board-certified expert on traumatic stress.

Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Oprah's Farewell

Yes. Everyone is talking about her. With good reason. The woman is absolutely amazing. Oprah. With one name. That's all she needs.

For me it was about her showing me a map, of how to tap into what she tapped into, of how to learn what she learnt (the important lessons in life), of how to make a difference, of how to be the best me, of how to let my light shine. Even how to expand my consciousness into what it is now, and it keeps growing. What an incredible gift to give to someone she has never met through a medium that touches millions everyday. That was what made her magical in my eyes. Because of her, and many others, I know that anything is possible. That the human spirit prevails.

Raw. Real. Honest. Transparent. Heart full. Loving. Giving. Comforting. That's how I perceive her. And she's not perfect. Her story is full of traumatic events and challenges, and yet she rose to the top. That's why I love her so.

Listen to These Words:
Oprah's Farewell Message

I'm plugged in. I want to continue spreading the messages. To be of service. To lend a voice to the evolution of mankind so that there are more Oprah's in the world. People unafraid of their dreams, of the light within, of hope, and to carry that to unseen corners of the world.
I'm not sure how life will be without "O", but I know it'll never be the same...
With a heart full of gratitude - Thanks, Oprah.


Thursday, May 19, 2011

Harmonious Alignment

‎"Happiness is when what you think, what you say, and what you do are in harmony." -
Mahatma Gandhi ♥

So, what I have found is that so many people are in discord because what they think, has nothing to do with what they say, and nowhere near how they act. Not even mentioning what they end up doing with their lives.
They can't figure out what the matter is. When I ask them why they do the things they do, I get eye rolls as if it's OBVIOUS that it needs to be done. But does it? Then I get blank stares...

You see, it's what we assume the world wants from us that gets us in trouble. If no one tells you what the rules are, you are creatively free to choose your path. But we are constantly bombarded with what we 'should' be doing, what the 'perfect' life looks like, what 'beautiful' is, and to add insult to injury, what 'love' is about. Get Real! The advertising industry has no clue what an authentic and genuine life is! Its goal is to sell sell sell. The bottom line is the only thing that matters. But it is starting to cost society a lot more than anyone calculated. People walking around empty, depressed, desperate, and disillusioned; believing that life is supposed to be miserable or a game where there is competition and only one winner.

All lies! We were created to be joyful and living in abundance, sharing our gifts with the world without shame. We rise and grow ever more positive each and everyday. The trick is to be yourself. Do the things that make your heart sing, while helping and empowering others. Say the things that spread happiness, while being truthful. Think "YES", goodness and love and let that be your guide. Do Unto Others if nothing else. The Golden Rule can save us all.

Don't be ashamed of who you are, underneath your daily persona. I know there's more you'd like to share. Go Ahead! Be REAL. It'll be the most liberating thing you'll ever do...

Wishing you Happy Harmonious Alignment of your Entire Being,

Ps. Follow your Bliss and your Gut! Bless.

Monday, May 16, 2011

TIRED NO MORE! Free Teleseminar

I have been teaching people to get off coffee and find better ways of sustained physical energy for some time now. The results have been incredible, and people's response to it let me know the message was well received. It dawned on me that perhaps more people could use this information, so here it is:

TIRED NO MORE! 5 Simple Steps to More Energy & Vitality in 2011 Teleseminar

Date: Saturday, May 21, 2011
Time: 1:00-2:00 PM
Cost: FREE!

To register, Click Here!

So if you're looking for a better, healthier way to be alert and focused throughout your day without relying on coffee, join in!
Get ready to say goodbye to $5 cafe lattes! Now you can begin your journey to a more balanced lifestyle with 5 easy steps that will be presented in this lively hour-long workshop. Bring a friend!

My Desire is to Help as many people as I possibly can achieve their full potential.

For the Facebook Even, Click Here!

See you there!

Saturday, May 14, 2011

The First Sprouts

Progress shows up when least expected. You take steps forward: big, small, tiny, baby. Sometimes it doesn't even feel like anything is happening. And that's when it comes. The much needed reassurance.  The message you weren't expecting. The inexplicable synchronicity that makes all the efforts begin to sprout. Small shoots. Little leaves. But alive with pleasure, and I could not be happier to see the seedlings at last.

Oh, it has never been my intention to quit. Days can be dreadful tho. I have learnt to take the day off if the energy is not quite right. Then allow myself to recenter and recharge. When I return I remember why I bother with all this in the first place. It's what I was born to do. It makes me happy.

So I follow my bliss. To whatever place it wants to lead me. I love it. It loves me back. And I faithfully obey this inner guidance. My rose in bloom. Tender and fragile, yet resilient like the rocks that form the Earth's core. That's what allows me to breathe. That's what allows me to live. Sweet Surrender.

My rant for today. My release on to the world. And All Is Well...


Friday, May 6, 2011

Etsy Store is Now Open!

It has taken months of preparation, but it's finally here!

PlantaE Botanica by Erika Matos

My very own Etsy store. It has been a journey to overcome my fear of success and acknowledge that this was possible. It's one step at a time, but slowly seeing progress. The support from my beloved friends and family have made this all possible.

This store is dedicated to my Abuelita (grandmother) who rejoined the Light, leaving this physical realm October of last year. I feel her strongly with me guiding and supporting every move to make this endeavor a reality. She was an herbalist by tradition and an amazing healer. Her footsteps are too big to follow, but her path is definitely worth traveling. Some of her legacy through herbal remedies and folkloric rituals is what I'll share with you all.

It's amazing how much we take for granted on our daily grinds. I'm making efforts daily to live more presently and love and enjoy everything and everyone around me. The Universe is supporting me and I feel the Love! Here's the proof:

PlantaE Botanica by Erika Matos

There's much more to come. I listed a few things just to get the ball rolling. Believe me, inventory is WAY bigger than that. Stay tuned for the fully manifested dream!

Thanks for the support.

Sending Love and Light your way,