Progress shows up when least expected. You take steps forward: big, small, tiny, baby. Sometimes it doesn't even feel like anything is happening. And that's when it comes. The much needed reassurance. The message you weren't expecting. The inexplicable synchronicity that makes all the efforts begin to sprout. Small shoots. Little leaves. But alive with pleasure, and I could not be happier to see the seedlings at last.
Oh, it has never been my intention to quit. Days can be dreadful tho. I have learnt to take the day off if the energy is not quite right. Then allow myself to recenter and recharge. When I return I remember why I bother with all this in the first place. It's what I was born to do. It makes me happy.
So I follow my bliss. To whatever place it wants to lead me. I love it. It loves me back. And I faithfully obey this inner guidance. My rose in bloom. Tender and fragile, yet resilient like the rocks that form the Earth's core. That's what allows me to breathe. That's what allows me to live. Sweet Surrender.
My rant for today. My release on to the world. And All Is Well...
Our paths are so parallel! Sometimes I wonder why I started my home business with 2 small much more work than I ever imagined! But then I remember this gift that I have that I am being guided to share with the world. Yet, I always remember to reconnect to the peace and balance within and without, if even for just 10 minutes of deep breathing or holding a crystal and feeling my energy ground...the key is balance, and I think we know how to achieve that. Congrats on your beautiful shop and healing are definitely manifesting a beautiful reality and sharing your gifts. Shine on!!