Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Natural Health

I have been noticing lately how my focus is mostly on the physical body. Don't get me wrong, my fascination with the spirit, mental, and emotional side of our selves is very strong. However, I am finding that the body is the one part that gets very neglected. Either lack of information, or lack of motivation, leaves us in a state of imbalance and at the hands of doctors who do little but prescribe mindlessly.

The more I learn, the more that I realize that the body is one of the easiest things to correct and "make healthy". My approach is one of natural, holistic, organic eating, herbal therapy, vitamin & mineral supplementation, mindful exercise, and energy healing.  The thing is: the body can affect our spirit, our mind, and our emotions. It is our vessel throughout life!

Since I began my Pilates instructor training, I have been more consistent with my workouts, and have noticed an incredible positive difference in my mood. That combined with more nutrition education, convinced me that the body is an incredible powerhouse! What a beautiful physical gift to have. It's design is perfect.

Although we are not given a manual on how to effectively take care of it, to be happy, healthy, and free of disease is possible.

From now on, I'll begin to focus more on this area as a educator and coach. I'm really looking forward helping people transform and improve their well being.

Love yourselves. Love the body that you are in.

You have no idea how blessed you are! (And if you do, stay in gratitude!)

Many Blessings,

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