Thursday, April 19, 2012

Relaxed Flow

I have stopped going against the grain. If it doesn't feel good, expansive, and amazing, I just wont do it. What I have learnt is that this is not the energy that leads to the life I desire. See, we must be clear of the feeling we are after. The type of life that we envision must be in alignment with everything we are currently doing.

Here's an example: I recently signed a contract. Withing a short period of time that contract started to feel very limiting and my energy was drained. The project turned out to be so much more work than I had originally anticipated. But I stuck to it (stubbornly) because I believed (erroneously) that I had to fulfill my commitment. Fortunately, I got some sense talked into me. Sent a simple email stating that I wished to be release from the agreement, sat back, and expected the best. Sure enough, I received a reply that was easy and in agreement with my request.

Sometimes it is wise to keep pushing, but we must always check with our body/senses to see if what we are bringing forward is what's right. I believe that the Universe will always supply accordingly and all we have to do is show up, do whatever we can, the best way we can, and expect miracles along the way.

It has taken me entirely too long to understand the ease of this whole process, but now I'm happy to have found my answers and just as happy to share it and help those who are ready to bring their best lives forth.

The world is yours! What type of life do you dream of? What type of world are you ready to build?

Many Blessings,

Erika Matos is a transformational agent, a certified health and nutrition educator, intuitive healer, and life coach helping people shift in the right direction by critically rethinking everything assumed to be true about what it means to be a happy, healthy, prosperous being. To learn more about her work visit

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