Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Learning to Trust the Process

As I prepare for Easter, I begin to relax for a bit before I continue on with my projects. Everything is coming together perfectly, and I'm glad I can say that in spite of many days where I thought I'd lose my mind!

The creative phase has moved into the production phase, although creativity doesn't cease once you tap into it, Ever! But I'm glad I'm following my dreams. I'm glad I'm moving forward with my desires. I have a vision, and I keep moving toward my goal. I have a target. I know I'll hit it...

The toughest part is learning to Trust the process. Trust. Surrender. Release control. Being slightly OCD, that's challenging, but necessary. That's how I have come up with so many ideas that feel right for me. Ideas that are easy for me to materialize. So I'm excited about all the new pages I'm adding to my life as entrepreneur and artist (in my own unique way) lol

What has been important so far, and what I need to maintain, is balance. While somethings take a little bit longer, I'm glad that my mental state is still in place. I have been meditating a lot more lately, and those results are priceless. Getting back to yoga too. I'm out of the box. Finally!

So stay tuned to my herbal products and embroidered goods. I'm so inspired!

Eternally grateful to the Cosmic Beloved for resting within me.

Feeling undeniably BLESSED. Hope you are too...


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