Tuesday, June 14, 2011

Do I Have to Do It All by Myself?

How are you doing on time? Do you have more to do than you can handle? Is it possible that you are not asking for help?

I have the superwoman syndrome. I think I can do it all by myself. I think I'm better off doing things on my own because I know how I want it done. This almost drove me insane! Not to mention the burnout I was about to have. I was crashing down hard and in flames. I had to do something about it.

The biggest lesson I learnt was to allow myself to ask for help. I didn't realize how many people were willing to help where they could if I just asked. The problem was that on the surface, it looked like I could handle it all and more. Beneath was a different story.

While I am still learning to let other people do things for me, I am happy that I have allowed myself the chance. See, now it doesn't have to be all perfect. I just has to be done! It makes a real difference. Instead I can focus on my services, which I believe have improved since I have less to manage. Don't get me wrong, I still oversee everything, but there's less pressure. And it has opened me up to other people's experience and expertise, in addition to creating better relationships with them. There are things that an expert definitely does better than I ever could. Who knew? lol

"Insisting on doing everything yourself burdens you and prevents others from feeling valuable and needed. Delegate more at home and at work, and free your time for things you love and excel at. –Julie Morgenstern"

Focus on the things you are proficient in. Find skillful others to help with the rest.

Free your time to do the things you love!


Erika Matos is a transformational agent, a certified health and nutrition educator, intuitive healer, and life coach helping people shift in the right direction by critically rethinking everything assumed to be true about what it means to be a happy, healthy, prosperous being. To learn more about her work visit http://www.realitymanifest.com


  1. I really like the quote from Julie Morgenstern. Delgation can truly help with the tension of getting everything done well.

  2. I suffer from this issue as well. But like yourself, I am slowly learning to release and trust those that I have trusted to be there for me and facilitate with guidance and suggestions. By doing this you are also allowing others to grow and develop in areas that aren't their strong suits.
    They obviously have a skill set that you admired and trusted from the beginning. Now it's time to allow them to implement it and become an asset.

  3. Have mercy, we were singing in the same choir!
    In order to run a productive and profitable business, we must learn how to appreciate and receive the gifts that others bring to the table. When we don’t receive graciously, we thwart an opportunity for connection and prevent a mutually satisfying transaction from occurring.
    Experience has taught me that giving AND receiving is a circle. Let us no longer block our flow of blessings.
