Whatever goals you are trying to reach, the Universe is gladly aligning so that you are successful. It is sending you people, messages, gifts and ideas to assist in every way. Those are not coincidences you are experiencing, but rather Divine intervention at work.
The question is, are you allowing the help to come into your life? When you get an idea, are you acting on it, or dismissing it as silly or absurd? When you receive and incredible offer, are you letting it pass by thinking of lack rather than growth?
Stayin on FAITH Street:
"I don’t know about you,
But I want Everything He got for me;
If He got something for me; I need all of mine;
I don’t know about you- But God will Lay it out.
God has taken me places that I never thought I was gonna go.
I’ve seen parts of the world that I never thought I would go to.
He has given me stuff.
He has put people in my life;
But you have to stay and use these principles of success!"
Take 5 Deep Breaths and Repeat: "May I receive whatever I need to be of Highest Service."
Start building your dreams today. You have a Great Ally at your side. Believe - Stay on FAITH Street and wait to see unexpected miracles...
Don't wait for a future date. Act on it right away - Now is When!
Just Say YES! Your Gifts Await.
Bounties of Blessings,
Erika Matos is a transformational agent, a certified health and nutrition educator, intuitive healer, and life coach helping people shift in the right direction by critically rethinking everything assumed to be true about what it means to be a happy, healthy, prosperous being. To learn more about her work visit http://www.realitymanifest.com
I believe many people let good opportunities pass them by because of their mindset or self-sabotaging behaviors such as self-confidence. It is good to think through huge endeavors, but sometimes the spirit lets you know that the moment is right!
ReplyDeleteIn “Think and grow Rich” by Napoleon Hill, he identifies the six basic fears that sabotage our success. In order of their most common appearance, they are the fear of poverty, criticism, ill health, loss of love of someone, old age, and death.
ReplyDeleteAt some point we must become conscious and release disempowering paradigms. YES! Let us open our minds, hearts and arms to receive the blessings of health, wealth, loving, harmonious relationships and creative self- expression.
Awesome article. I agree with Jewel that most of us let great opportunities slip away for fear of acting of them. I used to do that but now I take that deep breath and say ok, "No fear" TURBO and let's keep it moving.