Wednesday, June 29, 2011

Priceless Support

Since I decided to start my business, I have been blessed with countless opportunities for growth that I would have never been aware of if it hadn't been for other amazing individuals. I call them Powerhouses of Knowledge and Resource!

You probably know a few. They attend workshops, read, and are always up on the latest technology or industry information. They are successful life mentors who have been doing 'their thing' for a while and who are worth their weight in gold. Every time they suggest something it's always fruitful, that helps you grow exponentially both personally and professionally. For them it's just common knowledge.

I believe I am being led to the right people all the time. My efforts are multiplied by those who believe in me and have somehow taken interest in my endeavors. I am fully aware that I would not be where I am if it weren't for their almost parental love.

This post is dedicated to them (who have preferred to remain anonymous for the time being) for shining brightly and allowing others to do the same. I can only hope to pass the torch in the same graceful way in which it was handed to me. The support is priceless.

With Gratitude,

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