Friday, June 17, 2011

What Have You Done for You Lately?

We're busy. We give of ourselves. We have quite a bit to do, and then some. We put other people first. We take care of everything we possibly can. Sounds exhausting? It is!

The question becomes: how are you taking care of yourself on a regular basis? Are you scheduling time to pamper and nourish "you"? Are you doing special things that make your soul sing? Are you spending time alone to recharge?

If you are not, I ask you to reconsider.  Ask for help if you need to, but set aside time for uplifting your spirits.

Other people might not give you this time, so you must learn to take it/make it. Build it into your schedule: ME TIME!

It doesn't have to be very long or costly, just enough for relaxing effectively. I go to the sauna, spend time with nature, read, explore a different area, take a bubble bath or go to a movie. None or these are out of reach - simple and inexpensive. When splurging, I'll get a massage as often as I can. It's the best thing ever!

Ask yourself: What is that thing I've been wanting to treat myself to that I keep postponing? Think of ways of making it happen within the next week or two. The sooner the better.

When we are our best, we give our best. It is, therefore, crucial for you to maintain a sense of self, peace and balance. Then, go out there and deliver like the shining star that you are!

Spend time with fabulous you, and the world will reap benefits.

You totally deserve it.

Erika Matos is a transformational agent, a certified health and nutrition educator, intuitive healer, and life coach helping people shift in the right direction by critically rethinking everything assumed to be true about what it means to be a happy, healthy, prosperous being. To learn more about her work visit


  1. Sometimes you need to just do it! Treat yourself. So often we plan for our me time, but we allow something else get in the way.

  2. Take a 5 minute stretching break every hour helps me tremendously. Sometimes, just letting your mind clear and getting an extra boost is just what you need to get through the day!

  3. Exercising is how I get my me time in to do the best I can for myself. At least stretching or kickboxing or belly dancing (sexy style of course)! I feel awesome when I'm done.
