Saturday, June 11, 2011

How Do You Define Value?

Oh, so many buzzwords! We could get lost in them and never really know what any of them mean. The one I hear constantly is VALUE. What is value? How do you define value?

What I do understand about Value now is that you must have Integrity. You cannot possibly expect to provide anything worthwhile to anyone until you are right yourself. Until you understand that whatever you are supplying is nothing but an extension of your inner self.

It's about differentiating yourself from the rest, and the easiest way to do that, is to be you. Strive to improve in every area and the results will inevitably spread to other parts of your life. That includes your clients. The more you know, the better off you are. Invest in yourself.  It'll always pay off handsomely.

But it doesn't end there. You must give. Give. Give. Give. Much more than you believe it's worth. Go out of your way. Go above and beyond. Why is it that you are doing what you are doing anyways? Is it for money? Or because you LOVE what you do? I believe that if you are truly living your passion, then being of service is, or should be, your number one priority.

Think about infomercials (I know - just stick with me).  They make an offer. Then throw in something else. Then reduce the value. Then throw in free shipping! Why do so many people go for it? Because they feel the offer is unbeatable. They believe they are getting way more than the $19.95 they are paying. Clients should feel that way about you too.

Go out there and be your valuable self!

You are unbeatable...

Erika Matos is a transformational agent, a certified health and nutrition educator, intuitive healer, and life coach helping people shift in the right direction by critically rethinking everything assumed to be true about what it means to be a happy, healthy, prosperous being. To learn more about her work visit


  1. The value of oneself is truly priceless. When we value our ownselves, others tend to value our opinions and teaching even more. It's the content that we provide to others which gives credence. What I like about your article is the comparison to the infomericals,because I have thought about how the just pull us into their product at our most "weakest" point. Then, we in-turn value their product.

  2. This is what consumer wants, and we have to provide it if we want to keep them engaged.

  3. So true Erika, Darren Hardy of Success Magazine says "Giving Starts the Receiving Process" so it comes back to us in great fold. Great article.
