This is an excerpt from Benjamin Riggs's Embracing Personal Disappointment as the Path to Awakening.
I absolutely loved it. Hope you do too.
The Heart of Spirituality.
When we truly relate to our personal dissatisfaction we realize that our life is a pattern of learned behaviors revolving around a center that is inauthentic and uninspired. We thought that life was about becoming our own person; rather than learning to embody the creative nature of our individuality. As a result, our every action was transformed into an attempt to become what we were not. This left us feeling empty and inadequate. Furthermore, when we look deeply, through the practice of meditation, we realize that we created the false self that our barren life has been obsessively revolving around. We see that we are the creators of the world we inhabit. We have divided ourselves against ourselves and made ourselves into slaves, chained to the task of filling the void that we created when we tried to become what we thought our friends, family, or society wanted us to be.
It is difficult to accept that we are both the prisoner and the guard. First of all, because, if we are responsible for all of our dissatisfaction, then we must also accept the sterile nature of one of our favorite past-times, blame. The futility of life, as we have been living it, is not the fault of our upbringing; we cannot blame it on society or the insufficiency of religion. Truly relating to our personal suffering means that out of all the assholes we have met, we are, perhaps, the biggest; out of all the bullies we have faced, no one, other than the one we created, so ruthlessly suppressed that silent voice of authenticity that always asked us to be true to our Self. Second, it puts us in a very compromising position. We are forced to learn to love ourselves, even the part of us we hate for having created this terrifying situation. On the spiritual path it is often said that we must be compassionate and loving toward our enemies. But when we realize that we are our greatest enemy will we be able to grant ourselves the same loving space that we would grant a dear friend?
The Buddhist path requires bravery and courage. We are put in a vulnerable situation immediately, but if we should choose to sit with our darker side, we will see, in a flash of insight, our basic goodness—the heart of enlightenment—break through that karmic cloud of darkness. It is only by digging deep into the silence of our inner-being that we are capable of recovering the unlimited capacities of our own enlightened potential. And it is within this untapped inner-resource that we will find the answer to the question, “Who am I?”.
Original Post
Love & Light,
Tuesday, November 8, 2011
Friday, November 4, 2011
Bring Value
Add Value to Your World! Go and make something worthwhile happen, and yes, smiling counts. You can't expect to create change while bringing greed, drama, selfishness, excuses, and pity to the party. These are the things that we must be mindful of, so that we may avoid them as much as possible.
Make your world better, then share with others. Be more loving, happier, simpler, more truthful, gentle, compassionate, and caring. Take yourself out of the picture for a while and think of how may you serve and help a planet that is in desperate need of kindness in every way.
"Let us cultivate love and compassion, both of which give life true meaning. This is the religion I preach. It is simple. Its temple is the heart. Its teaching is love and compassion. Its moral values are loving and respecting others, whoever they may be. Whether one is a lay person or a monastic, we have no other option if we wish to survive in this world." - Dalai Lama
Now is When. Shine on.
Love & Many Blessings,
Wednesday, October 26, 2011
Richard Strozzi-Heckler's Led to Gratefulness
I received this in my email inbox today, and had to share. I'm a huge fan of this work, and read The Leadership Dojo: Build Your Foundation as an Exemplary Leader, which I highly recommend!
Led to Gratefulness by Richard Strozzi-Heckler, Ph.D.
For the second year in a row an early fall storm soaks us with an inch of rain, followed by a robust sun. The air is thick and damp and the windows in the dojo steam over as the heat of moving bodies transforms the space into a translucent glaze of moisture. Despite the focused heat my waning garden reminds me it is not spring, as does the thickening light and the Vs of geese that arrow south. Mice, voles, and Brewer's sparrows scurry in the underbrush, amending their rhythms to imminent change. As I harvest the last of the tomatoes, lettuce, and squash I'm reminded of what seeds were planted in the spring, both in the receptive earth and in my psyche. If we stop and quiet ourselves there's a transparent abundance in this turning toward winter. Heeding our fragile place in its unfolding we are inevitably led to gratefulness. I perform a deep bow to the fence posts, to the corn, to the stones, to the gophers that ate the melons, to the emptiness of mind, to Life.
Our body is precisely the medium of exchange with this field of awareness we call Life. The body is life, it is the interface with life, it's the ground in which we participate with the air, the falling leaves, the smile of a grandchild, the doe and its fawn darting through the live oaks. In concert with other bodies- waving our limbs, sighing and laughing, shouting to the night sky, walking into a shared unknown - we co-author a story that can be told an infinite number of ways, a pluralism that is mysteriously One. Our sentience is not a body in seclusion; it is birthed by our direct encounters with the terror of the night as well as the delight of a fresh Roma tomato dribbling off our chin; and everything in between. Let's not fall into the trap of thinking that our capacity for conscious reflection is the result of only partnering with our self, rather than with the world at large.
Here's a profoundly simple way of practicing that partnership: Align along your vertical line, extend through the crown of the head up towards the heavens and through the soles of the feet down to the earth. Now draw in a breath and let the vertebrae and rib cage swell while you both settle and straighten. Do this again, each time feel, and imagine, that the breath is connecting the world with your most inner places. Pull the breath from the outermost edge of the cosmos and feed it to your cells and let it expand your soul, and your skin. Notice how it is all tied together: breath, tissue, sensation, community, energy, self, the Mystery. Now say "Thank You" from this Unity.
Take It Easy, But Take It
Richard Strozzi-Heckler, Ph.D.
Led to Gratefulness by Richard Strozzi-Heckler, Ph.D.
For the second year in a row an early fall storm soaks us with an inch of rain, followed by a robust sun. The air is thick and damp and the windows in the dojo steam over as the heat of moving bodies transforms the space into a translucent glaze of moisture. Despite the focused heat my waning garden reminds me it is not spring, as does the thickening light and the Vs of geese that arrow south. Mice, voles, and Brewer's sparrows scurry in the underbrush, amending their rhythms to imminent change. As I harvest the last of the tomatoes, lettuce, and squash I'm reminded of what seeds were planted in the spring, both in the receptive earth and in my psyche. If we stop and quiet ourselves there's a transparent abundance in this turning toward winter. Heeding our fragile place in its unfolding we are inevitably led to gratefulness. I perform a deep bow to the fence posts, to the corn, to the stones, to the gophers that ate the melons, to the emptiness of mind, to Life.
Our body is precisely the medium of exchange with this field of awareness we call Life. The body is life, it is the interface with life, it's the ground in which we participate with the air, the falling leaves, the smile of a grandchild, the doe and its fawn darting through the live oaks. In concert with other bodies- waving our limbs, sighing and laughing, shouting to the night sky, walking into a shared unknown - we co-author a story that can be told an infinite number of ways, a pluralism that is mysteriously One. Our sentience is not a body in seclusion; it is birthed by our direct encounters with the terror of the night as well as the delight of a fresh Roma tomato dribbling off our chin; and everything in between. Let's not fall into the trap of thinking that our capacity for conscious reflection is the result of only partnering with our self, rather than with the world at large.
Here's a profoundly simple way of practicing that partnership: Align along your vertical line, extend through the crown of the head up towards the heavens and through the soles of the feet down to the earth. Now draw in a breath and let the vertebrae and rib cage swell while you both settle and straighten. Do this again, each time feel, and imagine, that the breath is connecting the world with your most inner places. Pull the breath from the outermost edge of the cosmos and feed it to your cells and let it expand your soul, and your skin. Notice how it is all tied together: breath, tissue, sensation, community, energy, self, the Mystery. Now say "Thank You" from this Unity.
Take It Easy, But Take It
Richard Strozzi-Heckler, Ph.D.
Thursday, October 6, 2011
How to Stop Spending Money for 30 Days
How to Stop Spending Money for 30 Days
I came across this today and loved it! I have been 'trimming the fat' in order to have more money for traveling and retirement. It definitely takes discipline. The funny thing is that once you get over certain things, you quickly realize that you can live without them. My favorite ditch? Skin cleanser! I have been using almond oil and a washcloth for a while now, and my skin never looked better.
Think about it. How many things do you actually NEED? Yes, we all like our luxuries and things that make us feel spoiled. But truth is more than half of the world's population lives on less than $10 a day. Imagine living like that...
Also, Mother Nature will certainly thank you for not using additional natural resources just to indulge.
Less is certainly more! (Especially in your pocket!)
Here's the link again:
How to Stop Spending Money for 30 Days
Here's to living simpler and happier :)
I came across this today and loved it! I have been 'trimming the fat' in order to have more money for traveling and retirement. It definitely takes discipline. The funny thing is that once you get over certain things, you quickly realize that you can live without them. My favorite ditch? Skin cleanser! I have been using almond oil and a washcloth for a while now, and my skin never looked better.
Think about it. How many things do you actually NEED? Yes, we all like our luxuries and things that make us feel spoiled. But truth is more than half of the world's population lives on less than $10 a day. Imagine living like that...
Also, Mother Nature will certainly thank you for not using additional natural resources just to indulge.
Less is certainly more! (Especially in your pocket!)
Here's the link again:
How to Stop Spending Money for 30 Days
Here's to living simpler and happier :)
Thursday, September 29, 2011
The Seven Habits
We have dreams. We have goals. But sometimes we forget what it takes to make them happen. Remember is not "What's in it for me?", but rather "How can I create something that can benefits others?" (Yes, even if it's a personal goal, you'll positively influence other people by bettering yourself). Life wants you to be happy. Say "YES!".
The Seven Habits of Highly Effective People is worth reading. Here are some highlights from Wikipedia:
Each chapter is dedicated to one of the habits, which are represented by the following imperatives:
Independence or Self-Mastery: The First Three Habits surround moving from dependence to independence (i.e. self mastery)
Habit 1: Be Proactive
Synopsis: Take initiative in life by realizing that your decisions (and how they align with life's principles) are the primary determining factor for effectiveness in your life. Take responsibility for your choices and the subsequent consequences that follow.
Habit 2: Begin with the End in Mind
Synopsis: Self-discover and clarify your deeply important character values and life goals. Envision the ideal characteristics for each of your various roles and relationships in life.
Habit 3: Put First Things First
Synopsis: Plan, prioritize, and execute your week's tasks based on importance rather than urgency. Evaluating if your efforts exemplify your desired character values, propel you towards goals, and enrich the roles and relationships that were elaborated in Habit 2.
Interdependence: The next three have to do with Interdependence (i.e. working with others)
Habit 4: Think Win-Win
Synopsis: Genuinely strive for mutually beneficial solutions or agreements in your relationships. Valuing and respecting people by understanding a "win" for all is ultimately a better long-term resolution than if only one person in the situation had gotten his way.
Habit 5: Seek First to Understand, Then to be Understood
Synopsis: Use empathetic listening to be genuinely influenced by a person, which compels them to reciprocate the listening and take an open mind to being influenced by you. This creates an atmosphere of caring, respect, and positive problem solving.
Habit 6: Synergize
Synopsis: Combine the strengths of people through positive teamwork, so as to achieve goals no one person could have done alone. Get the best performance out of a group of people through encouraging meaningful contribution, and modeling inspirational and supportive leadership.
Self Renewal: The Last habit relates to self-rejuvenation:
Habit 7: Sharpen the Saw
Synopsis: Balance and renew your resources, energy, and health to create a sustainable, long-term, effective lifestyle.
Abundance Mentality
Covey coined the idea of abundance mentality or abundance mindset, a concept in which a person believes there are enough resources and success to share with others. He contrasts it with the scarcity mindset (i.e. destructive and unnecessary competition), which is founded on the idea that, if someone else wins or is successful in a situation, that means you lose; not considering the possibility of all parties winning (in some way or another) in a given situation. Individuals with an abundance mentality are able to celebrate the success of others rather than feel threatened by it.
The Upward Spiral
Covey explains the "Upward Spiral" model in the sharpening the saw section. Through our conscience, along with meaningful and consistent progress, the spiral will result in growth, change, and constant improvement. In essence, one is always attempting to integrate and master the principles outlined in The 7 Habits at progressively higher levels at each iteration. Subsequent development on any habit will render a different experience and you will learn the principles with a deeper understanding. The Upward Spiral model consists of three parts: learn, commit, do. According to Covey, one must be increasingly educating the conscience in order to grow and develop on the upward spiral. The idea of renewal by education will propel one along the path of personal freedom, security, wisdom, and power.
To your Success!
The Seven Habits of Highly Effective People is worth reading. Here are some highlights from Wikipedia:
Each chapter is dedicated to one of the habits, which are represented by the following imperatives:
Independence or Self-Mastery: The First Three Habits surround moving from dependence to independence (i.e. self mastery)
Habit 1: Be Proactive
Synopsis: Take initiative in life by realizing that your decisions (and how they align with life's principles) are the primary determining factor for effectiveness in your life. Take responsibility for your choices and the subsequent consequences that follow.
Habit 2: Begin with the End in Mind
Synopsis: Self-discover and clarify your deeply important character values and life goals. Envision the ideal characteristics for each of your various roles and relationships in life.
Habit 3: Put First Things First
Synopsis: Plan, prioritize, and execute your week's tasks based on importance rather than urgency. Evaluating if your efforts exemplify your desired character values, propel you towards goals, and enrich the roles and relationships that were elaborated in Habit 2.
Interdependence: The next three have to do with Interdependence (i.e. working with others)
Habit 4: Think Win-Win
Synopsis: Genuinely strive for mutually beneficial solutions or agreements in your relationships. Valuing and respecting people by understanding a "win" for all is ultimately a better long-term resolution than if only one person in the situation had gotten his way.
Habit 5: Seek First to Understand, Then to be Understood
Synopsis: Use empathetic listening to be genuinely influenced by a person, which compels them to reciprocate the listening and take an open mind to being influenced by you. This creates an atmosphere of caring, respect, and positive problem solving.
Habit 6: Synergize
Synopsis: Combine the strengths of people through positive teamwork, so as to achieve goals no one person could have done alone. Get the best performance out of a group of people through encouraging meaningful contribution, and modeling inspirational and supportive leadership.
Self Renewal: The Last habit relates to self-rejuvenation:
Habit 7: Sharpen the Saw
Synopsis: Balance and renew your resources, energy, and health to create a sustainable, long-term, effective lifestyle.
Abundance Mentality
Covey coined the idea of abundance mentality or abundance mindset, a concept in which a person believes there are enough resources and success to share with others. He contrasts it with the scarcity mindset (i.e. destructive and unnecessary competition), which is founded on the idea that, if someone else wins or is successful in a situation, that means you lose; not considering the possibility of all parties winning (in some way or another) in a given situation. Individuals with an abundance mentality are able to celebrate the success of others rather than feel threatened by it.
The Upward Spiral
Covey explains the "Upward Spiral" model in the sharpening the saw section. Through our conscience, along with meaningful and consistent progress, the spiral will result in growth, change, and constant improvement. In essence, one is always attempting to integrate and master the principles outlined in The 7 Habits at progressively higher levels at each iteration. Subsequent development on any habit will render a different experience and you will learn the principles with a deeper understanding. The Upward Spiral model consists of three parts: learn, commit, do. According to Covey, one must be increasingly educating the conscience in order to grow and develop on the upward spiral. The idea of renewal by education will propel one along the path of personal freedom, security, wisdom, and power.
To your Success!
Monday, September 26, 2011
What is the Clean Program?
Ok. You guys know how into health I am. My friend and chiropractor-in-training Ariel Provasoli introduced me to The Clean Program. Here's a little intro video:
Hoping that all of you begin to rethink some, if not all, of your food choices. I have. It has made a world of difference!
To better living,
Thursday, September 22, 2011
Bigger Soft Drinks? Really?!
On my way home yesterday, I saw a couple of ads for soft drinks offering more for the same amount of money. I cringed. It's usually underprivileged families and young students who buy this stuff. It was 1.25 liters for $0.99 or 20oz for the same price. They are addictive, have no nutritional value, and they are horrible for your health! Remember, You Are What You Eat...
Want a few reasons why colas are unsafe? (Full Article: Soft drinks: Unsafe Beverages)
The carbonation in all soft drinks causes calcium loss in the bones through a three-stage process:
The picture gets worse when you add sugar to the soft drink. The sugar, dissolved in liquid, is quickly carried to the bloodstream, where its presence in overload quantities signals the pancreas to go into overdrive. Diet ones are even worse. Those artificial sweeteners are detrimental.
Next time your are considering indulging in some soda pop, think. Maybe some iced tea or lemonade would be a better option. Informed decisions, especially about your health, will reap nothing but goodness. Besides, nothing beats good ole, life-giving and life-supporting H2O. Water rules!
Here's to staying refreshed and hydrated properly,
Want a few reasons why colas are unsafe? (Full Article: Soft drinks: Unsafe Beverages)
The carbonation in all soft drinks causes calcium loss in the bones through a three-stage process:
- The carbonation irritates the stomach.
- The stomach "cures" the irritation the only way it knows how. It adds the only antacid at its disposal: calcium. It gets this from the blood.
- The blood, now low on calcium, replenishes its supply from the bones. If it did not do this, muscular and brain function would be severely impaired.
- Carbonation reduces the calcium in the bones.
- Phosphoric acid reduces the calcium in the bones.
- The beverage replaces a calcium-containing alternative, such as milk or water. Milk and water are not excellent calcium sources, but they are sources.
The picture gets worse when you add sugar to the soft drink. The sugar, dissolved in liquid, is quickly carried to the bloodstream, where its presence in overload quantities signals the pancreas to go into overdrive. Diet ones are even worse. Those artificial sweeteners are detrimental.
Next time your are considering indulging in some soda pop, think. Maybe some iced tea or lemonade would be a better option. Informed decisions, especially about your health, will reap nothing but goodness. Besides, nothing beats good ole, life-giving and life-supporting H2O. Water rules!
Here's to staying refreshed and hydrated properly,
Wednesday, September 21, 2011
Troy Davis
Last-ditch appeals as Troy Davis execution nears
It's hard for me to believe that we live in a world where the death penalty is considered justice. Here we have Troy Davis, set to be executed today over a crime he allegedly committed 19 years ago. The evidence is insufficient. The majority of the witnesses have retracted their statements. And he still claims innocence. So many have gotten involved in trying to appeal this ruling, yet the sentence is still being carried out. If we live in a democracy, and the number of people seeking an appeal is sufficient, should it not go through? What kind of justice system does not take into account the general public, and instead hangs on to the possible erroneous conclusion of a few individuals? We have much to learn America. World.
It pains me to see this. My heart does not understand where we have lost our sense of fairness, or where we have become so hardened that we cannot see that a life is at stake. That even if we have never met Davis, he is our brother. That the death penalty will never solve anything. Yet we see cases like Oscar Grant's where the police officer who killed him on camera walks free today. True they are different states, but justice is an universal concept.
Dear Troy Davis: My heart is with you. I'm sorry that the world's consciousness has not evolved enough to see you to an old age. I don't know how, but I will do what I can to lend a voice to you, your cause, and the improvement of our concept of justice. May you finally find freedom within, or without, but please, please, please, know that life is eternal, as are you my friend.
With heartfelt sorrow, and yet immense gratitude for being a witness I leave these words here today. This is my plea for justice.
May God forgive us all,
It's hard for me to believe that we live in a world where the death penalty is considered justice. Here we have Troy Davis, set to be executed today over a crime he allegedly committed 19 years ago. The evidence is insufficient. The majority of the witnesses have retracted their statements. And he still claims innocence. So many have gotten involved in trying to appeal this ruling, yet the sentence is still being carried out. If we live in a democracy, and the number of people seeking an appeal is sufficient, should it not go through? What kind of justice system does not take into account the general public, and instead hangs on to the possible erroneous conclusion of a few individuals? We have much to learn America. World.
It pains me to see this. My heart does not understand where we have lost our sense of fairness, or where we have become so hardened that we cannot see that a life is at stake. That even if we have never met Davis, he is our brother. That the death penalty will never solve anything. Yet we see cases like Oscar Grant's where the police officer who killed him on camera walks free today. True they are different states, but justice is an universal concept.
Dear Troy Davis: My heart is with you. I'm sorry that the world's consciousness has not evolved enough to see you to an old age. I don't know how, but I will do what I can to lend a voice to you, your cause, and the improvement of our concept of justice. May you finally find freedom within, or without, but please, please, please, know that life is eternal, as are you my friend.
With heartfelt sorrow, and yet immense gratitude for being a witness I leave these words here today. This is my plea for justice.
May God forgive us all,
Tuesday, September 20, 2011
Living Our Divine Essence
Living Our Divine Essence by Erika Matos
An inspiring friend, Xina Sy, invited me to contribute to her Big, Bold, Beautiful Blog( and I gladly obliged.
Here's the link: Living Our Divine Essence by Erika Matos
With Love. Enjoy!
"When we live from within, nothing from without can shake or stir us. When we are grounded in truth, we can trust our foundation to be the sturdiest and most reliable. When the inner void is filled, the material band-aids are no longer needed to determine worth or value." + Erika
An inspiring friend, Xina Sy, invited me to contribute to her Big, Bold, Beautiful Blog( and I gladly obliged.
Here's the link: Living Our Divine Essence by Erika Matos
With Love. Enjoy!
"When we live from within, nothing from without can shake or stir us. When we are grounded in truth, we can trust our foundation to be the sturdiest and most reliable. When the inner void is filled, the material band-aids are no longer needed to determine worth or value." + Erika
Wednesday, September 14, 2011
Natural Health
I have been noticing lately how my focus is mostly on the physical body. Don't get me wrong, my fascination with the spirit, mental, and emotional side of our selves is very strong. However, I am finding that the body is the one part that gets very neglected. Either lack of information, or lack of motivation, leaves us in a state of imbalance and at the hands of doctors who do little but prescribe mindlessly.
From now on, I'll begin to focus more on this area as a educator and coach. I'm really looking forward helping people transform and improve their well being.
Love yourselves. Love the body that you are in.
You have no idea how blessed you are! (And if you do, stay in gratitude!)
Many Blessings,
The more I learn, the more that I realize that the body is one of the easiest things to correct and "make healthy". My approach is one of natural, holistic, organic eating, herbal therapy, vitamin & mineral supplementation, mindful exercise, and energy healing. The thing is: the body can affect our spirit, our mind, and our emotions. It is our vessel throughout life!
Since I began my Pilates instructor training, I have been more consistent with my workouts, and have noticed an incredible positive difference in my mood. That combined with more nutrition education, convinced me that the body is an incredible powerhouse! What a beautiful physical gift to have. It's design is perfect.
Although we are not given a manual on how to effectively take care of it, to be happy, healthy, and free of disease is possible.
Love yourselves. Love the body that you are in.
You have no idea how blessed you are! (And if you do, stay in gratitude!)
Many Blessings,
Wednesday, August 31, 2011
Gandhi’s Top 10
I came across a blog that listed Gandhi’s Top 10 Fundamentals for Changing the World.
1. Change
“You must be the change you want to see in the world.”
“As human beings, our greatness lies not so much in being able to remake the world – that is the myth of the atomic age – as in being able to remake ourselves.”
2. Control.
“Nobody can hurt me without my permission.”
3. Forgiveness
“The weak can never forgive. Forgiveness is the attribute of the strong.”
“An eye for eye only ends up making the whole world blind.”
4. Action.
“An ounce of practice is worth more than tons of preaching.”
5. The present moment.
“I do not want to foresee the future. I am concerned with taking care of the present. God has given me no control over the moment following.”
6. Everyone is human.
“I claim to be a simple individual liable to err like any other fellow mortal. I own, however, that I have humility enough to confess my errors and to retrace my steps.”
“It is unwise to be too sure of one’s own wisdom. It is healthy to be reminded that the strongest might weaken and the wisest might err.”
7. Persist.
“First they ignore you, then they laugh at you, then they fight you, then you win.”
8. Goodness.
“I look only to the good qualities of men. Not being faultless myself, I won’t presume to probe into the faults of others.”
“I suppose leadership at one time meant muscles; but today it means getting along with people.”
9. Truth
“Happiness is when what you think, what you say, and what you do are in harmony.”
“Always aim at complete harmony of thought and word and deed. Always aim at purifying your thoughts and everything will be well.”
10. Development.
“Constant development is the law of life, and a man who always tries to maintain his dogmas in order to appear consistent drives himself into a false position.”
Sunday, July 10, 2011
Shine On!
"Our spiritual nature is light which radiates from us and naturally transforms and heals. This spiritual light also creates unlimited possibilities of what can happen versus the limitations our minds put on things.
The sun shines light that is absorbed by all of life. The sun does not decide that since things are going "badly" in the world it won't shine today. The sun shines each day.
We must make a choice to shine our light and allow that light to radiate no matter what is going on in the outer world. We can't go back and forth deciding one day to feed the light and then one day to feed fear and anger. This going back and forth detracts from the focus and concentration of spiritual energies needed right now to create true change."
- Sandra Ingerman
The sun shines light that is absorbed by all of life. The sun does not decide that since things are going "badly" in the world it won't shine today. The sun shines each day.
We must make a choice to shine our light and allow that light to radiate no matter what is going on in the outer world. We can't go back and forth deciding one day to feed the light and then one day to feed fear and anger. This going back and forth detracts from the focus and concentration of spiritual energies needed right now to create true change."
- Sandra Ingerman
Wednesday, July 6, 2011
I learnt so much this past 4th of July weekend. About love, life and the pursuit of happiness. About releasing my self-imposed roles. About relaxing and allowing myself to ride the incredible wave of life. About the unexpected lessons, and happy new connections. I experienced pure magic.
For a while, I allowed myself to surrender, and then wondered how come I didn't do this more often! Life happened beautifully without me trying to control what was going on around me. Better than I could've expected. The food, the company, the exchange of genuineness, all fed my soul, which was apparently hungrier than I imagined.
So this weekend I went with the flow, got into a state of flow, and loved every second of it! Maybe this holiday was meant to liberate me from myself. To feel my way through this journey just a tad bit more, and to put the mind at ease. The fireworks ignited within my soul, and I fell in love with life all over again...
Hoping that your holiday was filled with joy!
Many Blessings,
For a while, I allowed myself to surrender, and then wondered how come I didn't do this more often! Life happened beautifully without me trying to control what was going on around me. Better than I could've expected. The food, the company, the exchange of genuineness, all fed my soul, which was apparently hungrier than I imagined.
So this weekend I went with the flow, got into a state of flow, and loved every second of it! Maybe this holiday was meant to liberate me from myself. To feel my way through this journey just a tad bit more, and to put the mind at ease. The fireworks ignited within my soul, and I fell in love with life all over again...
Hoping that your holiday was filled with joy!
Many Blessings,
Thursday, June 30, 2011
Crossing the Finish Line
Today is the last day of The E3Woman 26-Day Blog Challenge. It has pushed me to be more creative, and seek more information, while honoring my commitment to complete the 26 entries. Needless to say, I am overwhelmed with a joyous sense of accomplishment. I didn't know if I had that many entries in me within a month, but it turns out that where there's a will there's a way. I find inspiration daily. The trick was to translate those feelings into the text that became the blog entries for the month of June 2011.
Maybe the information shared wasn't new, but it represented the lessons that I was experiencing each day, which I believe were worth expressing. Because of this journey I feel more defined, understand more of what I offer the world, and know that it works for me.
During this process I also connected with amazing women who are delights in the flesh. At first they made me feel intimidated, because their posts were so sharp, targeted, and everything felt connected and relevant. Then I understood that they were just sharing their lights and knowledge the best way they knew how. It liberated me to just be myself on blog, just like I would be anywhere else.
I invite you to read the blogs posted on the Blog Challenge Page. There's a treasure of information awaiting you.
Thanks for the opportunity, Kadena Tate. It has been a real pleasure.
Full of Joy and Excitement,
Erika Matos is a transformational agent, a certified health and nutrition educator, intuitive healer, and life coach helping people shift in the right direction by critically rethinking everything assumed to be true about what it means to be a happy, healthy, prosperous being. To learn more about her work visit
Maybe the information shared wasn't new, but it represented the lessons that I was experiencing each day, which I believe were worth expressing. Because of this journey I feel more defined, understand more of what I offer the world, and know that it works for me.
During this process I also connected with amazing women who are delights in the flesh. At first they made me feel intimidated, because their posts were so sharp, targeted, and everything felt connected and relevant. Then I understood that they were just sharing their lights and knowledge the best way they knew how. It liberated me to just be myself on blog, just like I would be anywhere else.
I invite you to read the blogs posted on the Blog Challenge Page. There's a treasure of information awaiting you.
Thanks for the opportunity, Kadena Tate. It has been a real pleasure.
Full of Joy and Excitement,
Erika Matos is a transformational agent, a certified health and nutrition educator, intuitive healer, and life coach helping people shift in the right direction by critically rethinking everything assumed to be true about what it means to be a happy, healthy, prosperous being. To learn more about her work visit
Wednesday, June 29, 2011
Priceless Support
Since I decided to start my business, I have been blessed with countless opportunities for growth that I would have never been aware of if it hadn't been for other amazing individuals. I call them Powerhouses of Knowledge and Resource!
You probably know a few. They attend workshops, read, and are always up on the latest technology or industry information. They are successful life mentors who have been doing 'their thing' for a while and who are worth their weight in gold. Every time they suggest something it's always fruitful, that helps you grow exponentially both personally and professionally. For them it's just common knowledge.
I believe I am being led to the right people all the time. My efforts are multiplied by those who believe in me and have somehow taken interest in my endeavors. I am fully aware that I would not be where I am if it weren't for their almost parental love.
This post is dedicated to them (who have preferred to remain anonymous for the time being) for shining brightly and allowing others to do the same. I can only hope to pass the torch in the same graceful way in which it was handed to me. The support is priceless.
With Gratitude,
You probably know a few. They attend workshops, read, and are always up on the latest technology or industry information. They are successful life mentors who have been doing 'their thing' for a while and who are worth their weight in gold. Every time they suggest something it's always fruitful, that helps you grow exponentially both personally and professionally. For them it's just common knowledge.
I believe I am being led to the right people all the time. My efforts are multiplied by those who believe in me and have somehow taken interest in my endeavors. I am fully aware that I would not be where I am if it weren't for their almost parental love.
This post is dedicated to them (who have preferred to remain anonymous for the time being) for shining brightly and allowing others to do the same. I can only hope to pass the torch in the same graceful way in which it was handed to me. The support is priceless.
With Gratitude,
You Are What You Eat
Heart Disease. Diabetes. Cancer. Obesity. These and many other common ailments are easily prevented with a change in diet. The problem is that people don't know how to eat, how to cook, or read labels. We are suffering from epidemics because of our fast-paced, convenience-driven consumer society. Can you imagine a life without pain or illness?
Here's a video with great information on Raw Living Foods from Chef Matthew Kenney:
Our health is our biggest asset! We need to educate ourselves and take charge of our well being. We have been incorrectly informed by mass media and advertisements for far too long. You know what's right for you. There's no "One Fits All" diet, recipe or prescription, but eating living food reaps nothing but benefits. Enjoying more fresh, raw fruits and vegetables will immediately create positive results.
Get in touch with your body and learn to listen to it. A long, healthy life will be your reward!
Erika Matos is a transformational agent, a certified health and nutrition educator, intuitive healer, and life coach helping people shift in the right direction by critically rethinking everything assumed to be true about what it means to be a happy, healthy, prosperous being. To learn more about her work visit
Tuesday, June 28, 2011
Are You Focusing on the Clock?
Clock time is a social construction. While we oblige by it, we must also find time to disconnect from it. I want to share in this post some very useful insight from Eckhart Tolle:
The elimination of time from your consciousness is the elimination of ego. It is the only true spiritual practice. Here are three exercises to help you move in this direction:
Step out of the time dimension as much as possible in everyday life. Become friendly toward the present moment. Make it your practice to withdraw attention from past and future whenever they are not needed.
Be present as the watcher of your mind—of your thoughts and emotions as well as your reactions in various situations. Be at least as interested in your reactions as in the situation or person that causes you to react.
Use your senses fully. Be where you are. Look around. Just look, don't interpret. Be aware of the silent presence of each thing. Be aware of the space that allows everything to be. Listen to the sounds; don't judge them. Listen to the silence beneath the sounds. Touch something—anything—and feel and acknowledge its Being. Allow the "isness" of all things. Move deeply into the Now.
– Eckhart Tolle
It is true that time will pass, and that there will be many things around us to remind us of just that. In your daily hustle, make sure that you slow down from time to time to enjoy the flowers along the path. Rushing all the time depletes us of essential life force, making us inefficient and clumsy. Take a few moments to connect with your breath: five consecutive breaths will oxygenate your body and begin to release tension.
Life is passing us by. Are you enjoying every moment as much as possible?
I Am, as are you...
Erika Matos is a transformational agent, a certified health and nutrition educator, intuitive healer, and life coach helping people shift in the right direction by critically rethinking everything assumed to be true about what it means to be a happy, healthy, prosperous being. To learn more about her work visit
The elimination of time from your consciousness is the elimination of ego. It is the only true spiritual practice. Here are three exercises to help you move in this direction:
Step out of the time dimension as much as possible in everyday life. Become friendly toward the present moment. Make it your practice to withdraw attention from past and future whenever they are not needed.
Be present as the watcher of your mind—of your thoughts and emotions as well as your reactions in various situations. Be at least as interested in your reactions as in the situation or person that causes you to react.
Use your senses fully. Be where you are. Look around. Just look, don't interpret. Be aware of the silent presence of each thing. Be aware of the space that allows everything to be. Listen to the sounds; don't judge them. Listen to the silence beneath the sounds. Touch something—anything—and feel and acknowledge its Being. Allow the "isness" of all things. Move deeply into the Now.
– Eckhart Tolle
It is true that time will pass, and that there will be many things around us to remind us of just that. In your daily hustle, make sure that you slow down from time to time to enjoy the flowers along the path. Rushing all the time depletes us of essential life force, making us inefficient and clumsy. Take a few moments to connect with your breath: five consecutive breaths will oxygenate your body and begin to release tension.
Life is passing us by. Are you enjoying every moment as much as possible?
I Am, as are you...
Erika Matos is a transformational agent, a certified health and nutrition educator, intuitive healer, and life coach helping people shift in the right direction by critically rethinking everything assumed to be true about what it means to be a happy, healthy, prosperous being. To learn more about her work visit
Monday, June 27, 2011
How to Get People to Change
Every day parents, teachers, religious leaders, and countless others struggle to instill learning and new ideas that will make a difference in other people's lives. The words are spoken in hopes that something will resonate within the hearts and souls of the listener(s) and encourage a commitment to a set of higher principles.
Think about your life for a second. Have you ever been inspired by words of encouragement, a story you read in the paper, or even by watching a stranger do something righteous? Very likely, you have. In turn, you probably adopted similar behaviours and became an inspiration to others, even though you may not be aware of it.
Yes, there's pain-motivated change and the inevitable life-cycle changes, but none make us feel better than change through new information, positive incentives, and enthusiasm!
So how do we get people to change? Lead by example. Want more love? Give more love. Too much cruelty? Be ever so kind. Not enough happiness around you? Be the happiest person you know!
You must embody everything that you believe will heal the planet. The transformation begins within you.
Here's to random acts of benevolent love,
Erika Matos is a transformational agent, a certified health and nutrition educator, intuitive healer, and life coach helping people shift in the right direction by critically rethinking everything assumed to be true about what it means to be a happy, healthy, prosperous being. To learn more about her work visit
Think about your life for a second. Have you ever been inspired by words of encouragement, a story you read in the paper, or even by watching a stranger do something righteous? Very likely, you have. In turn, you probably adopted similar behaviours and became an inspiration to others, even though you may not be aware of it.
Yes, there's pain-motivated change and the inevitable life-cycle changes, but none make us feel better than change through new information, positive incentives, and enthusiasm!
So how do we get people to change? Lead by example. Want more love? Give more love. Too much cruelty? Be ever so kind. Not enough happiness around you? Be the happiest person you know!
You must embody everything that you believe will heal the planet. The transformation begins within you.
Here's to random acts of benevolent love,
Erika Matos is a transformational agent, a certified health and nutrition educator, intuitive healer, and life coach helping people shift in the right direction by critically rethinking everything assumed to be true about what it means to be a happy, healthy, prosperous being. To learn more about her work visit
Friday, June 24, 2011
Shadow Working
Whatever you feel is wrong with the world are shadows of yourself. The things that you like in other people, and the things you don't like in other people, are all reflections of yourself.
(You mean to tell me that person I can't stand is mirroring a part of me? Yep!)
What's a shadow? According to Debbie Ford, the shadow contains all the parts of ourselves that we try to hide, deny or suppress. It is the keeper of all the aspects of ourselves that we dislike and the qualities that we judge as unacceptable. It shows up in different ways and you may feel angry, critical, fearful, lazy, controlling, selfish, weak, pathetic, etc. These are the parts of ourselves we don’t want to the world to see, and that we try so hard to get rid of.
But eliminating it is not the answer. We must learn to embrace and accept those parts of ourselves! The Shadow Process gives us access to loving our imperfect, human selves entirely and unconditionally. This deep and profound work teaches and enables us to embrace both the darkness of our smallest self and the brilliant light of our highest self.
Making peace with our dark side is a sacred journey. It demands rigorous honesty, courage and a great deal of compassion. Embracing our shadow delivers us emotional wholeness and the absolute freedom to be who we are. When we are filled with self-love and self-appreciation, we automatically attract the miraculous experience of love and appreciation from others. I think of Anakin Skywalker/Darth Vader, where in the end he made peace within himself, and 'brought balance to the force'.
Don't fight those parts of yourself. The darkness within needs love just like anything else. When you learn to give it just that, those pieces of you start working in your favor.
Shadow work is intense! It'll always show you where you could improve, and it's ongoing, and every time and opportunity for growth and expansion. Yes, it's uncomfortable, but we understand that discomfort is a chance for betterment.
Love what you have feared in order to receive the key that will allow you to unleash the unlimited power that lies dormant within you.
You don't have to be perfect, you just need to be YOU.
Erika Matos is a transformational agent, a certified health and nutrition educator, intuitive healer, and life coach helping people shift in the right direction by critically rethinking everything assumed to be true about what it means to be a happy, healthy, prosperous being. To learn more about her work visit
(You mean to tell me that person I can't stand is mirroring a part of me? Yep!)
What's a shadow? According to Debbie Ford, the shadow contains all the parts of ourselves that we try to hide, deny or suppress. It is the keeper of all the aspects of ourselves that we dislike and the qualities that we judge as unacceptable. It shows up in different ways and you may feel angry, critical, fearful, lazy, controlling, selfish, weak, pathetic, etc. These are the parts of ourselves we don’t want to the world to see, and that we try so hard to get rid of.
But eliminating it is not the answer. We must learn to embrace and accept those parts of ourselves! The Shadow Process gives us access to loving our imperfect, human selves entirely and unconditionally. This deep and profound work teaches and enables us to embrace both the darkness of our smallest self and the brilliant light of our highest self.
Making peace with our dark side is a sacred journey. It demands rigorous honesty, courage and a great deal of compassion. Embracing our shadow delivers us emotional wholeness and the absolute freedom to be who we are. When we are filled with self-love and self-appreciation, we automatically attract the miraculous experience of love and appreciation from others. I think of Anakin Skywalker/Darth Vader, where in the end he made peace within himself, and 'brought balance to the force'.
Don't fight those parts of yourself. The darkness within needs love just like anything else. When you learn to give it just that, those pieces of you start working in your favor.
Shadow work is intense! It'll always show you where you could improve, and it's ongoing, and every time and opportunity for growth and expansion. Yes, it's uncomfortable, but we understand that discomfort is a chance for betterment.
Love what you have feared in order to receive the key that will allow you to unleash the unlimited power that lies dormant within you.
You don't have to be perfect, you just need to be YOU.
Erika Matos is a transformational agent, a certified health and nutrition educator, intuitive healer, and life coach helping people shift in the right direction by critically rethinking everything assumed to be true about what it means to be a happy, healthy, prosperous being. To learn more about her work visit
Thursday, June 23, 2011
The Universe is Endlessly Bountiful
"Every moment of your life is infinitely creative and the Universe is endlessly bountiful. Just put forth a clear enough request and everything your heart desires must come to you." - Shakti Gawain
When I began studying Universal Laws, which include the Law of Attraction, it was difficult for me to see how it could work. I began to practicing, and being the good doubting Thomas that I was, I didn't understand why I didn't see any results. It wasn't until I let go of the skepticism, that things began manifesting beautifully, often better than what I had originally in mind.
My erroneous belief was that I had to see in order to believe. What I know now is that we cannot see, until we believe. Once we are able to see, faith grows passionately. I just have to remain aligned with my purpose: to heal, empower, enlighten and serve. The more I engage in it, the easier I am bringing forth my reality. I am dedicated to assisting my clients do just that. My desire is to help you, and as many people as I can, reconnect with the Highest Self.
Shakti Gawain always reminds me of the power of intention. She's an amazing personal growth teacher. Focus your attention anywhere and the energy invariably flows in that direction. You must have a clear idea and specific goals. Do you know exactly what kind of life you are building? Are you powering your desires with belief? If so, get ready to move mountains!
A tip on Manifesting: Replace the word "want" with the word "desire". It removes the lack mindset associated with "wanting" and adds positive emotion to move you in the right direction.
Expect Miracles!
When I began studying Universal Laws, which include the Law of Attraction, it was difficult for me to see how it could work. I began to practicing, and being the good doubting Thomas that I was, I didn't understand why I didn't see any results. It wasn't until I let go of the skepticism, that things began manifesting beautifully, often better than what I had originally in mind.
My erroneous belief was that I had to see in order to believe. What I know now is that we cannot see, until we believe. Once we are able to see, faith grows passionately. I just have to remain aligned with my purpose: to heal, empower, enlighten and serve. The more I engage in it, the easier I am bringing forth my reality. I am dedicated to assisting my clients do just that. My desire is to help you, and as many people as I can, reconnect with the Highest Self.
Shakti Gawain always reminds me of the power of intention. She's an amazing personal growth teacher. Focus your attention anywhere and the energy invariably flows in that direction. You must have a clear idea and specific goals. Do you know exactly what kind of life you are building? Are you powering your desires with belief? If so, get ready to move mountains!
A tip on Manifesting: Replace the word "want" with the word "desire". It removes the lack mindset associated with "wanting" and adds positive emotion to move you in the right direction.
Expect Miracles!
Erika Matos is a transformational agent, a certified health and nutrition educator, intuitive healer, and life coach helping people shift in the right direction by critically rethinking everything assumed to be true about what it means to be a happy, healthy, prosperous being. To learn more about her work visit
Wednesday, June 22, 2011
Overcome Marginalizing Assumptions
"Life awaits you on the other side of risk. What can you lose? Face? Dignity? Who cares about those when greatness is possible? Who cares about those when fairy tales are at hand?" - Neale Donald Walsch
Fear serves a purpose: to remind us of things that we need to take care of and overcome. What we must not do is allow it to stop us from fulfilling our highest calling. We all feel it, but we must listen to our inner guidance more so that we are not stopped on our tracks.
Procrastination is one of fear's biggest disguises. If you find yourself pushing something for a future date when all the circumstances are right, you are letting fear take over. Are you hearing the excuses inside of you head right now reminding you of why you cannot do it? Make a list of them. All of them. Every time they come up. Those are the marginalizing assumptions that you must mentally defy and challenge. Calculated risks take you ever so closely to your ultimate goals, one step at a time.
It's time to let go of the limiting beliefs. Know that as soon as you say "YES" to your dreams, you will be supported. Free your mind. Believe. Trust.
It can happen for you!
You must liberate your genuine light. Stop hiding behind masks of 'Can't Do', and know that you are going to make it all come true. The world needs YOU to shine!
State: "I will not settle. My ultimate life awaits me on the other side of fear. I will overcome."
Do it now. Do it now. Do it NOW!
To your best life,
Fear serves a purpose: to remind us of things that we need to take care of and overcome. What we must not do is allow it to stop us from fulfilling our highest calling. We all feel it, but we must listen to our inner guidance more so that we are not stopped on our tracks.
Procrastination is one of fear's biggest disguises. If you find yourself pushing something for a future date when all the circumstances are right, you are letting fear take over. Are you hearing the excuses inside of you head right now reminding you of why you cannot do it? Make a list of them. All of them. Every time they come up. Those are the marginalizing assumptions that you must mentally defy and challenge. Calculated risks take you ever so closely to your ultimate goals, one step at a time.
It's time to let go of the limiting beliefs. Know that as soon as you say "YES" to your dreams, you will be supported. Free your mind. Believe. Trust.
It can happen for you!
You must liberate your genuine light. Stop hiding behind masks of 'Can't Do', and know that you are going to make it all come true. The world needs YOU to shine!
State: "I will not settle. My ultimate life awaits me on the other side of fear. I will overcome."
Do it now. Do it now. Do it NOW!
To your best life,
Erika Matos is a transformational agent, a certified health and nutrition educator, intuitive healer, and life coach helping people shift in the right direction by critically rethinking everything assumed to be true about what it means to be a happy, healthy, prosperous being. To learn more about her work visit
Tuesday, June 21, 2011
My A-ha! Moment Today
I have spent my morning gathering documents for a project that I thought was finished. What happened, you ask? More support was needed. The task was tedious to begin with. I could have grunted the whole way through my hundreds of copies of the reporting assignment. It is, after all, my least favorite part of my job. However, I decided to stay light about the whole situation.
As I removed staples, copied and re-stapled, I took on an attitude of diligent dutifulness and gratefulness, and felt immediately at ease. Instead of allowing the complainer to take center stage, I allowed the smile to embrace my whole being. At that time, I was gently reminded that we all have a reason for being here, and that we all had things to do.
Maybe that wasn't at all what I had in mind for my day, but what a great reminder of the difference the right mindset can make even in the most mundane case. It feels great to embrace the moment and look for the positive possibilities.
As I removed staples, copied and re-stapled, I took on an attitude of diligent dutifulness and gratefulness, and felt immediately at ease. Instead of allowing the complainer to take center stage, I allowed the smile to embrace my whole being. At that time, I was gently reminded that we all have a reason for being here, and that we all had things to do.
Maybe that wasn't at all what I had in mind for my day, but what a great reminder of the difference the right mindset can make even in the most mundane case. It feels great to embrace the moment and look for the positive possibilities.
Feeling fortunate for the small things today, and making it a point to extend this simple consciousness to all areas of my life daily. My "A-Ha" moment!
Life is so good! Don't you agree? :)
Erika Matos is a transformational agent, a certified health and nutrition educator, intuitive healer, and life coach helping people shift in the right direction by critically rethinking everything assumed to be true about what it means to be a happy, healthy, prosperous being. To learn more about her work visit
Monday, June 20, 2011
Pilates Training!
In four days I begin my Pilates instructor certification! Thrilled and scared at the same time. While I had years of classical dance training in the past, I have never taught movement. It's new territory, but I'm excited to finally do it. I had been considering it for about a year now, and the moment has now arrived.
Here's why I love this so much:
Pilates' Six principles are: concentration, control, center, flow/efficiency of movement, precision and breathing.
It's a very simple method that really strengthens your core, increases flexibility and gives you really good sense of control of your body, instead of just being at its mercy! One can gain coordination in the legs, abdominals, arms and back, in addition to strength and endurance. Each time you exercise, you have to concentrate on what you´re doing and focus your entire body on the correct movements in order to reap all the awesome benefits. Much like yoga, the most important thing is to breathe. The discipline learned can definitely be applied to all other areas of life.
Pilates has been very helpful for me. I suffered a few lower back injuries, and this was the best therapy I received. My goal is to be as prepared to serve my clients as possible, as well as keep myself balanced and focused. To keep growing and learning...
Our bodies are the temples that will support us through our entire journey. Let's shower them with love, proper care and maintenance.
Erika Matos is a transformational agent, a certified health and nutrition educator, intuitive healer, and life coach helping people shift in the right direction by critically rethinking everything assumed to be true about what it means to be a happy, healthy, prosperous being. To learn more about her work visit
Here's why I love this so much:
Pilates' Six principles are: concentration, control, center, flow/efficiency of movement, precision and breathing.
Our bodies are the temples that will support us through our entire journey. Let's shower them with love, proper care and maintenance.
Erika Matos is a transformational agent, a certified health and nutrition educator, intuitive healer, and life coach helping people shift in the right direction by critically rethinking everything assumed to be true about what it means to be a happy, healthy, prosperous being. To learn more about her work visit
Saturday, June 18, 2011
Don't Overanalyze!
I was playing a simple game where the objective was to guess which dot would win the race: the white, the blue, or the red. My first instinct was BLUE. But the logic kicked in - RED is a more powerful color and made a bolder statement. My friends and I watched that screen, and WHITE had the lead most of the time, until BLUE gained in at the last minute and won. There I was, shaking my head, because I had ignored my original impulse.
How often has that happened to us? Why do we trust the mind more than the heart? Malcolm Gladwell immediately came to mind. In his book Blink: The Power of Thinking Without Thinking, he teaches us that decisions made very quickly are just as good as the ones we give lots of thought to. But when do we follow our hunches and when do we not? It's a skill just like any other, according to Gladwell, that we can all cultivate within ourselves.
It takes practice, but also a high degree of trust in ourselves. We must be balanced and centered, and maintain a sense of well being.
Feeling good about yourself is number one. It's a sum of what you eat, how you live, the quality of rest, leisure activities, and, of course, what you think. This all translates into greater confidence, and that is a place where trust comes from.
Start documenting those "blink" moments and see how often you not only follow them, but also how many times you are right. That way, the next time your gut hints you in one direction, perhaps you'd be more inclined to following it.
Here's to developing our natural guiding system and becoming better decision-makers! One more great tool under your belt...
Erika Matos is a transformational agent, a certified health and nutrition educator, intuitive healer, and life coach helping people shift in the right direction by critically rethinking everything assumed to be true about what it means to be a happy, healthy, prosperous being. To learn more about her work visit
How often has that happened to us? Why do we trust the mind more than the heart? Malcolm Gladwell immediately came to mind. In his book Blink: The Power of Thinking Without Thinking, he teaches us that decisions made very quickly are just as good as the ones we give lots of thought to. But when do we follow our hunches and when do we not? It's a skill just like any other, according to Gladwell, that we can all cultivate within ourselves.
It takes practice, but also a high degree of trust in ourselves. We must be balanced and centered, and maintain a sense of well being.
Feeling good about yourself is number one. It's a sum of what you eat, how you live, the quality of rest, leisure activities, and, of course, what you think. This all translates into greater confidence, and that is a place where trust comes from.
Start documenting those "blink" moments and see how often you not only follow them, but also how many times you are right. That way, the next time your gut hints you in one direction, perhaps you'd be more inclined to following it.
Here's to developing our natural guiding system and becoming better decision-makers! One more great tool under your belt...
Erika Matos is a transformational agent, a certified health and nutrition educator, intuitive healer, and life coach helping people shift in the right direction by critically rethinking everything assumed to be true about what it means to be a happy, healthy, prosperous being. To learn more about her work visit
Friday, June 17, 2011
What Have You Done for You Lately?
We're busy. We give of ourselves. We have quite a bit to do, and then some. We put other people first. We take care of everything we possibly can. Sounds exhausting? It is!
The question becomes: how are you taking care of yourself on a regular basis? Are you scheduling time to pamper and nourish "you"? Are you doing special things that make your soul sing? Are you spending time alone to recharge?
If you are not, I ask you to reconsider. Ask for help if you need to, but set aside time for uplifting your spirits.
Other people might not give you this time, so you must learn to take it/make it. Build it into your schedule: ME TIME!
It doesn't have to be very long or costly, just enough for relaxing effectively. I go to the sauna, spend time with nature, read, explore a different area, take a bubble bath or go to a movie. None or these are out of reach - simple and inexpensive. When splurging, I'll get a massage as often as I can. It's the best thing ever!
Ask yourself: What is that thing I've been wanting to treat myself to that I keep postponing? Think of ways of making it happen within the next week or two. The sooner the better.
When we are our best, we give our best. It is, therefore, crucial for you to maintain a sense of self, peace and balance. Then, go out there and deliver like the shining star that you are!
Spend time with fabulous you, and the world will reap benefits.
You totally deserve it.
Erika Matos is a transformational agent, a certified health and nutrition educator, intuitive healer, and life coach helping people shift in the right direction by critically rethinking everything assumed to be true about what it means to be a happy, healthy, prosperous being. To learn more about her work visit
The question becomes: how are you taking care of yourself on a regular basis? Are you scheduling time to pamper and nourish "you"? Are you doing special things that make your soul sing? Are you spending time alone to recharge?
If you are not, I ask you to reconsider. Ask for help if you need to, but set aside time for uplifting your spirits.
Other people might not give you this time, so you must learn to take it/make it. Build it into your schedule: ME TIME!
It doesn't have to be very long or costly, just enough for relaxing effectively. I go to the sauna, spend time with nature, read, explore a different area, take a bubble bath or go to a movie. None or these are out of reach - simple and inexpensive. When splurging, I'll get a massage as often as I can. It's the best thing ever!
Ask yourself: What is that thing I've been wanting to treat myself to that I keep postponing? Think of ways of making it happen within the next week or two. The sooner the better.
When we are our best, we give our best. It is, therefore, crucial for you to maintain a sense of self, peace and balance. Then, go out there and deliver like the shining star that you are!
Spend time with fabulous you, and the world will reap benefits.
You totally deserve it.
Erika Matos is a transformational agent, a certified health and nutrition educator, intuitive healer, and life coach helping people shift in the right direction by critically rethinking everything assumed to be true about what it means to be a happy, healthy, prosperous being. To learn more about her work visit
Thursday, June 16, 2011
Health Blog: Say NO to Soy!
One of my clients was having a hard time. She was on an emotional roller coaster and couldn't understand why. After all, she had changed her diet to exclude red meat, chicken, pork, and dairy. She mostly ate fruits, vegetables, water, tea, juices, organic and vegan. Yet she was tired and not feeling the health benefits of her lifestyle changes.
On the surface it looked like everything was up to par. But when we analyzed her pantry, we realized that her intake of soy had increased significantly. She believed it was the best substitute for traditional dairy. What she didn't know was that soy was the cause of her emotional imbalance, which was a result of her possible hormonal imbalance.
I had been there. I knew what to do and suggested better alternatives to the soy products she was used to buying, and almost immediately she felt mentally clearer and in more control of her emotions.
It's a wide misconception. Soy is not as healthy as people think. It is also one of the biggest GMO crops and added to almost everything we consume (ex. soy lecithin).
If you'd like to know more information about the real effects of this substance in your body this is a great resource:
To your radiant health,
On the surface it looked like everything was up to par. But when we analyzed her pantry, we realized that her intake of soy had increased significantly. She believed it was the best substitute for traditional dairy. What she didn't know was that soy was the cause of her emotional imbalance, which was a result of her possible hormonal imbalance.
I had been there. I knew what to do and suggested better alternatives to the soy products she was used to buying, and almost immediately she felt mentally clearer and in more control of her emotions.
It's a wide misconception. Soy is not as healthy as people think. It is also one of the biggest GMO crops and added to almost everything we consume (ex. soy lecithin).
If you'd like to know more information about the real effects of this substance in your body this is a great resource:
Knowledge is power!To your radiant health,
Erika Matos is a transformational agent, a certified health and nutrition educator, intuitive healer, and life coach helping people shift in the right direction by critically rethinking everything assumed to be true about what it means to be a happy, healthy, prosperous being. To learn more about her work visit
Wednesday, June 15, 2011
Will I Ever Be Enough?
Are you trying to accomplish a lot because you feel you are not good enough as you currently are?
through it.
"When we are busy focusing on what we don't have, we don't pay attention to what we do have. Wanting is different from having. Wanting is in the future. It is based on an idea of what might make you happy in five minutes, tomorrow, next week. But having is here, now. Most of us don't let ourselves have what's in front of us, so we're always wanting more. When you don't let yourself have what you already have, you are always hungry, always searching, always restless." – Geneen Roth
Sometimes we feel that if we reach this goal, or do this other thing, then life will be finally a dream come true. We keep thinking of the conditions we want in order to be finally happy "in the future". It's a trap! Boy, and do we fall for it often...
1. Acceptance: To learn to love life exactly as it is in this current moment. To realize that tomorrow never comes and all we have is right now. To understand that the more positive you are, loving everything that you already are and have, the more you create the correct magnetic vibration to attract even more of what you want. Do not confuse this with complacency. You still have every right to living a life full of purpose and expanding to your highest possible potential.
2. Gratitude: How often do we take this for granted?! The simple act of humbling ourselves and saying "Thanks for ________ " rather than complaining about the silly things that bother us. Don't know what to be thankful for? Start with "for being awake and alive right now" then take a quick inventory of those things that are supporting you daily, that might not be getting the credit they deserve. Even going as far as being grateful for a difficult person or situation in your life, for they are paving the way for you and teaching you lessons as you walk
"When we are busy focusing on what we don't have, we don't pay attention to what we do have. Wanting is different from having. Wanting is in the future. It is based on an idea of what might make you happy in five minutes, tomorrow, next week. But having is here, now. Most of us don't let ourselves have what's in front of us, so we're always wanting more. When you don't let yourself have what you already have, you are always hungry, always searching, always restless." – Geneen Roth
Go out today with an attitude of acceptance and gratitude and watch the mental clutter start to dissipate and the joy in your heart fill your spirit.
I am grateful for you! You are enough.
Erika Matos is a transformational agent, a certified health and nutrition educator, intuitive healer, and life coach helping people shift in the right direction by critically rethinking everything assumed to be true about what it means to be a happy, healthy, prosperous being. To learn more about her work visit
Tuesday, June 14, 2011
Do I Have to Do It All by Myself?
How are you doing on time? Do you have more to do than you can handle? Is it possible that you are not asking for help?
I have the superwoman syndrome. I think I can do it all by myself. I think I'm better off doing things on my own because I know how I want it done. This almost drove me insane! Not to mention the burnout I was about to have. I was crashing down hard and in flames. I had to do something about it.
The biggest lesson I learnt was to allow myself to ask for help. I didn't realize how many people were willing to help where they could if I just asked. The problem was that on the surface, it looked like I could handle it all and more. Beneath was a different story.
While I am still learning to let other people do things for me, I am happy that I have allowed myself the chance. See, now it doesn't have to be all perfect. I just has to be done! It makes a real difference. Instead I can focus on my services, which I believe have improved since I have less to manage. Don't get me wrong, I still oversee everything, but there's less pressure. And it has opened me up to other people's experience and expertise, in addition to creating better relationships with them. There are things that an expert definitely does better than I ever could. Who knew? lol
"Insisting on doing everything yourself burdens you and prevents others from feeling valuable and needed. Delegate more at home and at work, and free your time for things you love and excel at. –Julie Morgenstern"
Focus on the things you are proficient in. Find skillful others to help with the rest.
Free your time to do the things you love!
Erika Matos is a transformational agent, a certified health and nutrition educator, intuitive healer, and life coach helping people shift in the right direction by critically rethinking everything assumed to be true about what it means to be a happy, healthy, prosperous being. To learn more about her work visit
I have the superwoman syndrome. I think I can do it all by myself. I think I'm better off doing things on my own because I know how I want it done. This almost drove me insane! Not to mention the burnout I was about to have. I was crashing down hard and in flames. I had to do something about it.
The biggest lesson I learnt was to allow myself to ask for help. I didn't realize how many people were willing to help where they could if I just asked. The problem was that on the surface, it looked like I could handle it all and more. Beneath was a different story.
While I am still learning to let other people do things for me, I am happy that I have allowed myself the chance. See, now it doesn't have to be all perfect. I just has to be done! It makes a real difference. Instead I can focus on my services, which I believe have improved since I have less to manage. Don't get me wrong, I still oversee everything, but there's less pressure. And it has opened me up to other people's experience and expertise, in addition to creating better relationships with them. There are things that an expert definitely does better than I ever could. Who knew? lol
"Insisting on doing everything yourself burdens you and prevents others from feeling valuable and needed. Delegate more at home and at work, and free your time for things you love and excel at. –Julie Morgenstern"
Focus on the things you are proficient in. Find skillful others to help with the rest.
Free your time to do the things you love!
Erika Matos is a transformational agent, a certified health and nutrition educator, intuitive healer, and life coach helping people shift in the right direction by critically rethinking everything assumed to be true about what it means to be a happy, healthy, prosperous being. To learn more about her work visit
Monday, June 13, 2011
Really Busy? Maybe Not...
If you are like me, your plate feels full. There a big things to take care of, and the tiny details that follow. Between seeking information, implementing changes, taking care of clients and developing a strong brand, we don't have a lot of time in our hands. Or do we? I found the article segment below and it filled me with valid questions about my state of busy-ness:
Most of us judge how busy we are by how much we have to do. When there are too many things to do, we think we're busy, and when there isn't much to do, it feels like we're not busy at all. But in fact, we can feel busy when there isn't that much to do, and we can feel relaxed even when there's a lot going on. The states of "busy" and "not busy" aren't defined by how many things there are to do.
Contrary to popular opinion, there is no such thing as multitasking; the brain can tend to only one thing at a time. Being too busy or not being busy is an interpretation of our activity. Busy-ness is a state of mind, not a fact. No matter how much or how little we're doing, we're always just doing what we're doing, simply living this one moment of our lives. –
Norman Fischer "
Don't convince yourself that you are important because of what you have chosen to do. Life still needs you to simply BE. Know when to release and let go, and when to be on!
Remember, we only have this moment. Stay present and clear.
Here and Now,
Erika Matos is a transformational agent, a certified health and nutrition educator, intuitive healer, and life coach helping people shift in the right direction by critically rethinking everything assumed to be true about what it means to be a happy, healthy, prosperous being. To learn more about her work visit
Saturday, June 11, 2011
How Do You Define Value?
Oh, so many buzzwords! We could get lost in them and never really know what any of them mean. The one I hear constantly is VALUE. What is value? How do you define value?
What I do understand about Value now is that you must have Integrity. You cannot possibly expect to provide anything worthwhile to anyone until you are right yourself. Until you understand that whatever you are supplying is nothing but an extension of your inner self.
It's about differentiating yourself from the rest, and the easiest way to do that, is to be you. Strive to improve in every area and the results will inevitably spread to other parts of your life. That includes your clients. The more you know, the better off you are. Invest in yourself. It'll always pay off handsomely.
But it doesn't end there. You must give. Give. Give. Give. Much more than you believe it's worth. Go out of your way. Go above and beyond. Why is it that you are doing what you are doing anyways? Is it for money? Or because you LOVE what you do? I believe that if you are truly living your passion, then being of service is, or should be, your number one priority.
Think about infomercials (I know - just stick with me). They make an offer. Then throw in something else. Then reduce the value. Then throw in free shipping! Why do so many people go for it? Because they feel the offer is unbeatable. They believe they are getting way more than the $19.95 they are paying. Clients should feel that way about you too.
Go out there and be your valuable self!
You are unbeatable...
Erika Matos is a transformational agent, a certified health and nutrition educator, intuitive healer, and life coach helping people shift in the right direction by critically rethinking everything assumed to be true about what it means to be a happy, healthy, prosperous being. To learn more about her work visit
What I do understand about Value now is that you must have Integrity. You cannot possibly expect to provide anything worthwhile to anyone until you are right yourself. Until you understand that whatever you are supplying is nothing but an extension of your inner self.
It's about differentiating yourself from the rest, and the easiest way to do that, is to be you. Strive to improve in every area and the results will inevitably spread to other parts of your life. That includes your clients. The more you know, the better off you are. Invest in yourself. It'll always pay off handsomely.
But it doesn't end there. You must give. Give. Give. Give. Much more than you believe it's worth. Go out of your way. Go above and beyond. Why is it that you are doing what you are doing anyways? Is it for money? Or because you LOVE what you do? I believe that if you are truly living your passion, then being of service is, or should be, your number one priority.
Think about infomercials (I know - just stick with me). They make an offer. Then throw in something else. Then reduce the value. Then throw in free shipping! Why do so many people go for it? Because they feel the offer is unbeatable. They believe they are getting way more than the $19.95 they are paying. Clients should feel that way about you too.
Go out there and be your valuable self!
You are unbeatable...
Erika Matos is a transformational agent, a certified health and nutrition educator, intuitive healer, and life coach helping people shift in the right direction by critically rethinking everything assumed to be true about what it means to be a happy, healthy, prosperous being. To learn more about her work visit
Friday, June 10, 2011
Opening Yourself to Receive
Whatever goals you are trying to reach, the Universe is gladly aligning so that you are successful. It is sending you people, messages, gifts and ideas to assist in every way. Those are not coincidences you are experiencing, but rather Divine intervention at work.
The question is, are you allowing the help to come into your life? When you get an idea, are you acting on it, or dismissing it as silly or absurd? When you receive and incredible offer, are you letting it pass by thinking of lack rather than growth?
Steve Harvey: Stayin on FAITH Street:
"I don’t know about you,
But I want Everything He got for me;
If He got something for me; I need all of mine;
I don’t know about you- But God will Lay it out.
God has taken me places that I never thought I was gonna go.
I’ve seen parts of the world that I never thought I would go to.
He has given me stuff.
He has put people in my life;
But you have to stay and use these principles of success!"
Take 5 Deep Breaths and Repeat: "May I receive whatever I need to be of Highest Service."
Start building your dreams today. You have a Great Ally at your side. Believe - Stay on FAITH Street and wait to see unexpected miracles...
Don't wait for a future date. Act on it right away - Now is When!
Just Say YES! Your Gifts Await.
Bounties of Blessings,
Erika Matos is a transformational agent, a certified health and nutrition educator, intuitive healer, and life coach helping people shift in the right direction by critically rethinking everything assumed to be true about what it means to be a happy, healthy, prosperous being. To learn more about her work visit
The question is, are you allowing the help to come into your life? When you get an idea, are you acting on it, or dismissing it as silly or absurd? When you receive and incredible offer, are you letting it pass by thinking of lack rather than growth?
Steve Harvey: Stayin on FAITH Street:
"I don’t know about you,
But I want Everything He got for me;
If He got something for me; I need all of mine;
I don’t know about you- But God will Lay it out.
God has taken me places that I never thought I was gonna go.
I’ve seen parts of the world that I never thought I would go to.
He has given me stuff.
He has put people in my life;
But you have to stay and use these principles of success!"
Take 5 Deep Breaths and Repeat: "May I receive whatever I need to be of Highest Service."
Start building your dreams today. You have a Great Ally at your side. Believe - Stay on FAITH Street and wait to see unexpected miracles...
Don't wait for a future date. Act on it right away - Now is When!
Just Say YES! Your Gifts Await.
Bounties of Blessings,
Erika Matos is a transformational agent, a certified health and nutrition educator, intuitive healer, and life coach helping people shift in the right direction by critically rethinking everything assumed to be true about what it means to be a happy, healthy, prosperous being. To learn more about her work visit
Thursday, June 9, 2011
Why I love Dr. Wayne Dyer
I was lost. Hopelessly traveling down a path that lead nowhere. And one day, I had enough. I wanted to find something to "fix" me and my internal turmoil. I dared to navigate to the self-help section of the bookstore and wanted to wear sunglasses and a wig so people wouldn't recognize me. See, being there meant admitting that something was wrong with my seemingly perfect life, which was exactly what I wanted the world to believe. It was a fat lie.
So there I was navigating through countless books, and then I saw one that caught my eye: The Power of Intention
. I browsed a few pages. It spoke to me so loudly, I had to go home with it. I read it like a hungry child being finally fed nourishing food. It was good for my soul. I was hooked! Dr. Dyer worked his magic on me, and I have been inspired to make positive changes ever since.
"Remind yourself that the greatest technique for bringing peace into your life is to always choose being kind when you have a choice between being right or being kind. This is the single most effective method I know for having a sense of peace. And you have that choice in all your interactions." - Dr. Dyer
Now I live to be kind. Yes, sometimes I feel like being right, but by being kind I know I am allowing myself to be the best I can be.
Share your kindness and internal peace,
Erika Matos is a transformational agent, a certified health and nutrition educator, intuitive healer, and life coach helping people shift in the right direction by critically rethinking everything assumed to be true about what it means to be a happy, healthy, prosperous being. To learn more about her work visit
So there I was navigating through countless books, and then I saw one that caught my eye: The Power of Intention
Now I live to be kind. Yes, sometimes I feel like being right, but by being kind I know I am allowing myself to be the best I can be.
Share your kindness and internal peace,
Erika Matos is a transformational agent, a certified health and nutrition educator, intuitive healer, and life coach helping people shift in the right direction by critically rethinking everything assumed to be true about what it means to be a happy, healthy, prosperous being. To learn more about her work visit
Wednesday, June 8, 2011
Want More Energy? Quit Coffee.
I haven't had a cup of coffee in years! For a while I was suffering from chronic fatigue and depression. No matter what I did, my energy levels were never spectacular. After many tests, and no definitive diagnosis, my doctor at the time suggested that I give up the cup of Joe. I haven't looked back since!
Now, I teach people about healthier lifestyles, and this is usually one of my first suggestions: Quit Drinking Coffee. Here are Five Reasons Why:
1. Causes a disruption of Sleep Patterns: As a result people experience tremors, nervousness, restlessness, irritability, insomnia and anxiety.
2. Deteriorates Performance: Worsen performance that involves short-term memory. Negatively affects fine motor coordination due to an increase in hand and arm tremors.
3. Distresses your Heart: Elevates blood pressure and/or serum cholesterol levels; increases irregular heartbeats and palpitations, and increases the risk of cardiac arrhythmia and heart attack
4. Upsets your Stomach: Causes higher gastric acid production which aggravates peptic ulcers and heartburn
5. May increase risk of cancer: Specifically bladder, rectal and/or breast cancer.
In the coming days I'll be offering a list of the best substitutes for coffee, and how to obtain sustainable energy without the mid-day crash. That translates into you doing more of what you love!
No more dragging around! I'm here to help.
Get ready for boundless energy!
Erika Matos is a transformational agent, a certified health and nutrition educator, intuitive healer, and life coach helping people shift in the right direction by critically rethinking everything assumed to be true about what it means to be a happy, healthy, prosperous being. To learn more about her work visit
Now, I teach people about healthier lifestyles, and this is usually one of my first suggestions: Quit Drinking Coffee. Here are Five Reasons Why:
1. Causes a disruption of Sleep Patterns: As a result people experience tremors, nervousness, restlessness, irritability, insomnia and anxiety.
2. Deteriorates Performance: Worsen performance that involves short-term memory. Negatively affects fine motor coordination due to an increase in hand and arm tremors.
3. Distresses your Heart: Elevates blood pressure and/or serum cholesterol levels; increases irregular heartbeats and palpitations, and increases the risk of cardiac arrhythmia and heart attack
4. Upsets your Stomach: Causes higher gastric acid production which aggravates peptic ulcers and heartburn
5. May increase risk of cancer: Specifically bladder, rectal and/or breast cancer.
In the coming days I'll be offering a list of the best substitutes for coffee, and how to obtain sustainable energy without the mid-day crash. That translates into you doing more of what you love!
No more dragging around! I'm here to help.
Get ready for boundless energy!
Erika Matos is a transformational agent, a certified health and nutrition educator, intuitive healer, and life coach helping people shift in the right direction by critically rethinking everything assumed to be true about what it means to be a happy, healthy, prosperous being. To learn more about her work visit
Tuesday, June 7, 2011
The Power of Video
Ok. In case you didn't know, video sites are a great way of connecting with people. You get to share your knowledge, show off your personality, and gain credibility.
It allows you to interact with an audience like no other media. It helps you attract and engage potential clients looking for more information about your business. It's you, talking about what you love, 24/7. Available anytime for anyone's viewing pleasure.
Here are some tips on how to create an awesome video:
What are you waiting for? Go. ACTION!
Erika Matos is a transformational agent, a certified health and nutrition educator, intuitive healer, and life coach helping people shift in the right direction by critically rethinking everything assumed to be true about what it means to be a happy, healthy, prosperous being. To learn more about her work visit
It allows you to interact with an audience like no other media. It helps you attract and engage potential clients looking for more information about your business. It's you, talking about what you love, 24/7. Available anytime for anyone's viewing pleasure.
Here are some tips on how to create an awesome video:
- Be authentic: Everyone wants to see your little light shining bright
- Give Value: Choose interesting topics that you are really knowledgeable of
- Keep it short: Under 5minutes. 3minutes ideally
- Make it look great: Wear makeup, no stripes or white, use HD, and, if you can afford it, hire a pro
- Optimize your video for search: Use Tags
- Put your URL first in the description section. That way it's visible to anyone and you'll get more clicks.
- Share, Share, Share: On your website, your blogs, Facebook and everywhere you can insert a video!
- Camera Shy? You can still create informative videos with powerpoints/slide presentations.
- Get comfortable using an online video editor. There are some nice ones that are free.
What are you waiting for? Go. ACTION!
Erika Matos is a transformational agent, a certified health and nutrition educator, intuitive healer, and life coach helping people shift in the right direction by critically rethinking everything assumed to be true about what it means to be a happy, healthy, prosperous being. To learn more about her work visit
Saturday, June 4, 2011
Helping Hands Expanding Possibilities
"As you progress on the path to making your dream come true, you begin to realize that more and more is possible" - Marcia Wieder
When your direction becomes clear, doors begin to open and ideas come rushing in sometimes faster than we can handle! Dull moments are rare. A new project begins, which introduces you to new people, who teach you about other resources and collaborate with you. The helping hands create an environment of growth and development. They nurture your dreams, and help you believe that more is achievable. This support is invaluable!
So talk about your dreams often and with passion. You never know who might be interested in being a facilitator for you or even becoming involved in your project. Just believe in yourself, and others will too.
It's all part of the process. Being on The Path is thrilling!
Wishing you Ongoing Opportunities,
Erika Matos is a transformational agent, a certified health and nutrition educator, intuitive healer, and life coach helping people shift in the right direction by critically rethinking everything assumed to be true about what it means to be a happy, healthy, prosperous being. To learn more about her work visit
When your direction becomes clear, doors begin to open and ideas come rushing in sometimes faster than we can handle! Dull moments are rare. A new project begins, which introduces you to new people, who teach you about other resources and collaborate with you. The helping hands create an environment of growth and development. They nurture your dreams, and help you believe that more is achievable. This support is invaluable!
So talk about your dreams often and with passion. You never know who might be interested in being a facilitator for you or even becoming involved in your project. Just believe in yourself, and others will too.
It's all part of the process. Being on The Path is thrilling!
Wishing you Ongoing Opportunities,
Erika Matos is a transformational agent, a certified health and nutrition educator, intuitive healer, and life coach helping people shift in the right direction by critically rethinking everything assumed to be true about what it means to be a happy, healthy, prosperous being. To learn more about her work visit
Friday, June 3, 2011
Absolutely Beneficial: Discomfort & Change
We all hear "Follow your bliss". Not long ago I was (ahem) whining to a friend about a task I needed to handle. Just when I thought I was going to hear the old familiar words, she says "Follow your discomfort" instead. I gave a confused stare. She knew she had to explain.
She went on to say that the fear of something new and different was keeping me from doing what would be absolutely beneficial. She was right of course. So I analyzed why I was hesitating to move forward. This is what I came up with:
The weak mind is easily frightened and prefers comfort. It will never allow you to reach your goals and fulfill your destiny. It'll raise all the reasons why you shouldn't do something (doubts), and then come up with a list of what it'll rather do instead (waste time). Comfort is not your ultimate goal. In fact, by stepping out of that zone and through discomfort, you will challenge yourself to try new things, do the dreadful, come out with a new perspective, a lesson learnt, and inevitable growth in the process. Don't stay put! The rewards will always be greater leaping.
We have to become mentally strong enough to keep walking forward, even when the roads are unfamiliar. We have a place to reach. Settling in the laurels is not an option. Just remember to enjoy the exciting journey.
Today I want to challenge you to take a small step into doing something you don't want to do. Call that client. Go to the gym. Set up that meeting. Eat that Salad. Take that Class. Speak your mind. Face your Fear!
The more you practice, the easier it gets.
"Decide that you want it more than you are afraid of it." - Bill Cosby
Change can be scary. Lucky for you, the odds are in your favor.
Go get 'em!
Erika Matos is a transformational agent, a certified health and nutrition educator, intuitive healer, and life coach helping people shift in the right direction by critically rethinking everything assumed to be true about what it means to be a happy, healthy, prosperous being.
To learn more about her work visit
She went on to say that the fear of something new and different was keeping me from doing what would be absolutely beneficial. She was right of course. So I analyzed why I was hesitating to move forward. This is what I came up with:
The weak mind is easily frightened and prefers comfort. It will never allow you to reach your goals and fulfill your destiny. It'll raise all the reasons why you shouldn't do something (doubts), and then come up with a list of what it'll rather do instead (waste time). Comfort is not your ultimate goal. In fact, by stepping out of that zone and through discomfort, you will challenge yourself to try new things, do the dreadful, come out with a new perspective, a lesson learnt, and inevitable growth in the process. Don't stay put! The rewards will always be greater leaping.
We have to become mentally strong enough to keep walking forward, even when the roads are unfamiliar. We have a place to reach. Settling in the laurels is not an option. Just remember to enjoy the exciting journey.
Today I want to challenge you to take a small step into doing something you don't want to do. Call that client. Go to the gym. Set up that meeting. Eat that Salad. Take that Class. Speak your mind. Face your Fear!
The more you practice, the easier it gets.
"Decide that you want it more than you are afraid of it." - Bill Cosby
Change can be scary. Lucky for you, the odds are in your favor.
Go get 'em!
Erika Matos is a transformational agent, a certified health and nutrition educator, intuitive healer, and life coach helping people shift in the right direction by critically rethinking everything assumed to be true about what it means to be a happy, healthy, prosperous being.
To learn more about her work visit
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